Category: Faith
Advent Calendars and Jesse Trees
Last week, Elisabeth took us on a tour of her Christmas decorations (which are gorgeous, by the way), and I commented that this year, I only have the tree and a nativity scene. We used to have a sock advent calendar and a Jesse Tree when the kids were smaller, though, and Elisabeth was keen…
Renewal Adjacent Reading in July
This post includes a lot of prayer and God talk. If that’s not your thing, you might want to skip this. I’m a fair way into my year of renewal and am keen to get more forward movement in the spiritual area of my life. With this in mind, I picked up several books on…
The Renewing Power of Repetition
Last year I put on my list of intentions to develop and maintain some new habit stacks. It didn’t go well. By mid-year I’d called time on this intention and given the whole endeavour away. I certainly hadn’t bought into that intention, hence the lack of progress. I don’t regret nixing it at the time…
Good Things Friday
Have I mentioned before that I was inspired by Elisabeth identifying her “Happy Things Friday” posts as a “Sabbath practice” to regard these posts as my own Sabbath practice? Wirzba’s emphasis on delight in his book Living the Sabbath prompted me once again to think about these posts in the context of Sabbath living, leading…
Living the sabbath: discovering the rhythms of rest and delight by norman wirzba
I normally just do a quick review of the books I read at the end of each month but “Living the Sabbath” had many points of intersection with some of the emphases I wanted my year of renewal to have. So, for my own benefit, I’ve decided to do a more in-depth summary. In this…
Good Things Friday
This week, I had a laze around and eat weekend at Noosa, with lots of good food and good views. G had a solid run in the Noosa half-marathon in preparation for the Gold Coast Marathon in July. He’s nursing an Achilles injury, and we’re hoping it holds up until then so he can get…
A Sunday Reminder
In a wild world like ours, your character, left untended, will become … a vacant lot filled with thorns, weeds, broken bottles, raggedy grocery bags and dog droppings. Brian McLaren, Finding our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices, pp 11-12 Tending to our character is our most important job, the task that impacts…
Critical Theory and Christianity
I was listening to an episode of Undeceptions about Critical Theory last week, and I was reminded again of the incongruity of people who identify as Christian, reflexively dismissing theories that “aim to explain and transform all the circumstances that enslave human beings.” I could understand if the objection was that only Christ could complete that sort…