"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Category: Lists

  • List # 8: Multiday Walks That Are On My Radar

    List # 8: Multiday Walks That Are On My Radar

    As I wrote last week, G and I are keen to do some more multi-day hiking/walking. We prefer options that you don’t have to camp, although my tolerance for a walk that requires camping or sharing a room is probably higher than G’s. I’ve been putting together a little list of walks we might like…

  • 101 Things in 1001 days: 200-Day Check-In

    101 Things in 1001 days: 200-Day Check-In

    I started my 101 Things list on September 11th 2023. I’m checking my progress every 100 days. At the end of the first 100 days, I calculated that I was 11.73% complete. Let’s get into the next 200 days, shall we? For days 100-200, I completed 8.22% of my list, which means I’m 19.96% through…

  • List #7: Places I’ve Lived

    I have never lived outside Melbourne. We currently live the furthest I ever have from where I was born which was the William Angliss Hospital in Ferntree Gully—31 km away. Here’s the list in order of all the places I’ve lived Have you lived in lots of different houses? Do you still live near where…

  • List #5: Things I Have No Intention of Ever Doing

    Another list for my 50 lists project. These are all the things I have no intention of ever doing. You may have guessed from this list that I’m not a thrill-seeker, I hate heights and I get all kinds of travel sick. Are you a thrill seeker? What kinds of things do you never want…

  • List #4: 100 Things that Made My Year – 2023

    Stealing this idea from Austin Kleon. You can see 2022’s post here.

  • List #3: Foods I ate Christmas Day

    Getting together with family and the food are my favourite parts of Christmas Day celebrations. The presents … I could take or leave them. This year we had lunch with my family and dinner with my husbands. My family usually eats the same food every time we have Christmas lunch, with the occasional addition. One…

  • List #2: Highlights from our trip away

    As most of you probably know, I recently spent a month overseas. I thought it might be fun to gather all the best moments from our trip into one list.

  • List #1: My favourite ways to eat leftovers

    If you read my 101 list carefully (don’t worry if you didn’t) you may have noticed #5—50 lists blog project. This is the first entry. So leftovers, some people love them, some people loathe them. I’m a lover of leftovers. Maybe because I’m the main (only?) cook around here. Here are some of my favourite…