Category: Systems
2023 Intentions
I have a running list I call my ultimate list, with things I want (or need) to do. Not the things that need doing immediately, but all those other things. When I add something I put the year next to it. When it’s done I mark it complete and put the year next to when…
Gut Feeling
I’m an INTJ on the Myer-Briggs personality scale to the endless amusement of my kids, who love to point out that this is the super-villain personality. My reply to this is that everyone has a choice to use their powers for good or evil. Anyway, this means that I prioritise thinking, especially rational arguments, over…
Tools of the Trade
For a number of years, I used a bullet journal to look after my calendar, to-do list, journal and notes. I did enjoy having everything all in one little book, so You could see all the parts of your life juxtaposed against each other. Later I moved to a travellers notebook, so I didn’t need…