With going away for the weekend, moving house and a few other functions, I was feeling sorely in need of some veggies. This Greens with Roasted Squash, Tahini, & Dukkah is hitting the spot for lunch … and I have a veggie box that should be arriving soon.
Anyway, today is my last post for NaBloPoMo. It’s the 1st of December here, but it’s still November 30th in the US, so I’m going to claim this as my last post. I started a day late as I didn’t stumble across this challenge until the 2nd of November via Elisabeth’s blog. I was a lurker there until NaBloPoMo, which pushed me out into the open. I was a bit unsure when I committed to joining the challenge, and it wasn’t ideal timing with our move, but I’ve managed to do 29 posts, including this one.
Although it was a challenge, it’s been a rewarding experience and has kick-started my blogging. Having to blog daily expanded the topics I wrote about. Before the challenge, I had four topics; now, I have eighteen. These topics will give me a good framework for future blogging. I intend to continue blogging much more regularly than I did previously, but not daily. I’m thinking of aiming for three times a week because, as Laura Vanderkam argues, three times a week is a habit.
Some of the other benefits of doing this challenge are all down to the wonderful community that has developed around this challenge. Thanks to San, I’ve been introduced to a beautiful group of bloggers, and she set the tone for the challenge with her encouragement and her regular thoughtful comments. She inspired me to lift my game in that department. To all the other participants, thank you for the generous way you shared your stories on your blogs and offered your perspectives and encouragement in the comments section here. My Feedly list just got longer. After a few days of constant unpacking, I’m going to take a break now to do some reading and commenting
8 responses to “Eating my Veggies … and a NaBloPoMo Wrap-Up”
If three times a week is a habit maybe I should be aiming for that, too? Was nice to meet you through NaBloPoMo and I am so impressed that you pulled through even while moving.
Melissa, I am so glad you stumbled upon Elisabeth blog, then into our little blogging community, and that you joined NaBloPoMo. It’s been such fun getting to know you and I’ve been really impressed with everyone’s commitment and dedication (even through a move! You deserve a gold star!).
I am so excited to hear that this little exercise kickstarted your blogging and that you intend to keep blogging regularly – I am looking forward to reading many more posts and getting to know you even better 🙂
P.S. Your lunch looks delicious!
So happy to have met you through this challaange. It is so fun to have a diverse group of peple online and doing something together. I enjoyed your posts and i didnt realize you missed a day or two. Quite and endeaver with moving and all. I am not sure I could have done that.
Yes, gold star for writing through a move! I was complete nonfunctional in almost every way when we moved between houses. I’ve loved reading along and living vicariously through your life in Australia.
That lunch looks amazing. I think my all-time favourite topping for a salad is freshly roasted sweet potato. Yum. I love a salad with different textures and even different heat profiles (like warm sweet potato, cold cucumber, slices of a room-temp fig).
As others have commented above, I hope to continue hearing your voice in this space regularly.
And yes to three times a week being a habit. That rule, specifically, is how I came to launch a blog in May 2021 (when I was doing Laura’s time study for Tranquility by Tuesday)! It has been a lifechanging decision and I try to apply it to all sorts of things now; I don’t need to do X everyday…but three times a week is a habit!!
I used to have a goal of wriitng in my blog once a month. Then it became once a week. Then twice a week. Before you know it, you’ll be writing every day again!
I’m so grateful to NaBloPoMo for introducing me to new bloggers in new places and I do hope you continue to blog regularly so we can get to know you better!
Congratulations!!! You did it!
Now I need to go learn what Dukkah is, because that salad looks delicious.
I like the challenge of trying to post at least 3 days a week. I’m going to see if I can manage that. I guess I have shown that I can, since I participated in NaBloPoMo! You definitely get extra credit for posting even while moving. Fabulous.
I can’t believe I missed your blog on the list of NaBloPoMo bloggers. I feel like I have been missing out. Can’t wait to read more here – and, thank you for that salad recipe. Noted and saved.