"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Miles Franklin Award Winners

The Miles Franklin Literary Award is made annually from the estate of Miles Franklin for a published novel portraying some aspects of Australian life. I’m working through the list. Once I read a book on the list I’ll link to my review.

  • 2023 – Shankari Chandran – Chai Time at Cinnamon Gardens
  • 2022 – Jennifer Down – Bodies of Light
  • 2021 – Amanda Lohrey – The Labyrinth
  • 2020 – Tara June Winch – The Yield
  • 2019 – Melissa Lucashenko  – Too Much Lip
  • 2018 – Michelle de Kretser – The Life to Come
  • 2017 – Josephine Wilson – Extinctions
  • 2016 – Patrić, A. S. –  Black Rock White City
  • 2015 – Sofie Laguna – The Eye of the Sheep
  • 2014 – Evie Wyld – All the Birds, Singing
  • 2013 – Michelle de Kretser – Questions of Travel
  • 2012 – Anna Funder – All That I Am
  • 2011 – Kim Scott – That Deadman Dance
  • 2010 – Peter Temple – Truth
  • 2009 – Tim Winton – Breath
  • 2008 – Steven Carroll – The Time We Have Taken
  • 2007 – Alexis Wright – Carpentaria
  • 2006 – Roger MacDonald – The Ballad of Desmond Kale
  • 2005 – Andrew McGahan – White Earth
  • 2004 – Shirley Hazzard – Great Fire
  • 2003 – Alex Miller – Journey to Stone Country
  • 2002 – Tim Winton – Dirt Music
  • 2001 – Frank Moorhouse – Dark Palace
  • 2000 – Thea Astley – Drylands; Kim Scott – Benang
  • 1999 – Murray Bail – Eucalyptus
  • 1998 – Peter Carey – Jack Maggs
  • 1997 – David Foster – The Glade Within the Grove
  • 1996 – Christopher Koch – Highways to a War
  • 1995 – Helen Demidenko – The Hand That Signed the Paper
  • 1994 – Rodney Hall – The Grisly Wife
  • 1993 – Alex Miller – The Ancestor Game
  • 1992 – Tim Winton – Cloudstreet
  • 1991 – David Malouf – The Great World
  • 1990 – Tom Flood – Oceana Fine
  • 1989 – Peter Carey – Oscar and Lucinda
  • 1988 – Date of Award Changed
  • 1987 – Glenda Adams – Dancing on Coral
  • 1986 – Elizabeth Jolley – The Well
  • 1985 – Christopher Koch – The Doubleman
  • 1984 – Tim Winton – Shallows
  • 1983 – No Award
  • 1982 – Rodney Hall – Just Relations
  • 1981 – Peter Carey – Bliss
  • 1980 – Jessica Anderson – The Impersonators
  • 1979 – David Ireland – A Woman of the Future
  • 1978 – Jessica Anderson – Tirra Lirra by the River
  • 1977 – Ruth Park – Swords and Crowns and Rings
  • 1976 – David Ireland – The Glass Canoe
  • 1975 – Xavier Herbert – Poor Fellow My Country
  • 1974 – Ronald McKie – The Mango Tree
  • 1973 – No Award
  • 1972 – Thea Astley – The Acolyte
  • 1971 – David Ireland – The Unknown Industrial Prisoner
  • 1970 – Dal Stivens – A Horse of Air
  • 1969 – George Johnston – Clean Straw for Nothing
  • 1968 – Thomas Keneally – Three Cheers for the Paraclete
  • 1967 – Thomas Keneally – Bring Larks and Heroes
  • 1966 – Peter Mathers – Trap
  • 1965 – Thea Astley – The Slow Natives
  • 1964 – George Johnston – My Brother Jack
  • 1963 – Sumner Locke Elliott – Careful He Might Hear You
  • 1962 – Thea Astley – The Well Dressed Explorer & George Turner – The Cupboard Under the Stairs
  • 1961 – Patrick White – Riders in the Chariot
  • 1960 – Elizabeth O’Connor – The Irishman
  • 1959 – Vance Palmer – The Big Fellow
  • 1958 – Randolph Stow – To the Islands
  • 1957 – Patrick White – Voss