"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Tag: 50 Lists

  • List #21: Good Things Friday March 2025

    List #21: Good Things Friday March 2025

    It’s not quite the end of March, but it is the last Friday in March which means it’s time for some good things. Writing this, I’ve realised I need to get stuck into some hot cross buns while they are around. Are you a hot cross bun fan?

  • List #16: 100 Things that made my Year – 2024

    List #16: 100 Things that made my Year – 2024

    Stealing this idea from Austin Kleon. You can see 2023’s post here and 2022’s post here. What things would make your top 100 list?

  • List #14: Return to Running Program

    List #14: Return to Running Program

    Earlier this year, I got a stress fracture in my foot. It finally healed in July, but I put off a serious return to running until after I’d done the Camino—I did not want to jeopardise our holiday. I feel like the days of strenuous walking while we were away helped build more strength in…

  • List #13: Some More Things to Do If I Make It Back to Paris

    List #13: Some More Things to Do If I Make It Back to Paris

    I’ve now been to Paris twice, spending a full week both times. There are so many sites to see, but that must be balanced with time to stroll or sit and soak up the ambience. Not to mention making time to try all.the.food. Here’s my list of all the things that didn’t quite make the…

  • List #12: Soups on Regular rotation

    List #12: Soups on Regular rotation

    This is another post about soup for Julie and Tobia’s Cool Bloggers Autumn Soup Challenge. When the kids were younger, we would have pumpkin and red lentil soup with toasted cheese sandwiches at least every one to two weeks. It was my easy go-to meal. No recipe … I would eyeball everything in lieu of actual measurements and…

  • List #11: Decisions I need to Make

    List #11: Decisions I need to Make

    A list of decisions I need to make at the moment: What’s on your mind at the moment?

  • List # 10: Five Simple Household Items That Make Life Better

    List # 10: Five Simple Household Items That Make Life Better

    I’m not a person who is into things, but sometimes you find something that is so much better than the crappy thing you’ve been using for years, that you have to acknowledge it. Here are five things from our house that make my life easier. 2. My Microplane. This makes it so easy to get…

  • List #9: Some more Pet Peeves

    List #9: Some more Pet Peeves

    Over to you. The comment section is open for complaints!

  • List # 8: Multiday Walks That Are On My Radar

    List # 8: Multiday Walks That Are On My Radar

    As I wrote last week, G and I are keen to do some more multi-day hiking/walking. We prefer options that you don’t have to camp, although my tolerance for a walk that requires camping or sharing a room is probably higher than G’s. I’ve been putting together a little list of walks we might like…

  • List #7: Places I’ve Lived

    I have never lived outside Melbourne. We currently live the furthest I ever have from where I was born which was the William Angliss Hospital in Ferntree Gully—31 km away. Here’s the list in order of all the places I’ve lived Have you lived in lots of different houses? Do you still live near where…