and it looks like this:

It is late, but our bed is made and ready to crawl into and escape the chaos for a few hours.
"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver
and it looks like this:
It is late, but our bed is made and ready to crawl into and escape the chaos for a few hours.
6 responses to “We have moved in …”
Lots of fun getting settle. Hope nothing goes wrong and you can soon enjoy the new home.
It looks absolutely lovely. I can’t wait to see what it looks like when everything is unpacked!
Hooray. Moving is such a big hassle – exhausting, messy, and overwhelming. But it looks like you are moving into such a gorgeous space and it always amazes me how fast things can get put away and settled once the “hurry up and wait” moments are over.
I’m so, so glad. Enjoy the special memories you make as you settle in to a new space and community.
Hooray! Congrats!
And that looks like very well-organized chaos. I hope you settle in soon!
Oh, but the windows…!!! <3
I know. We face south-east so were worried about the light (southern hemisphere, but orientation is north), but the windows are so big there is no issue. The big curved window is spectacular.