"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver


Friday Thoughts #2

We’ve finished watching Wednesday. We loved this show. That look she has before she does or says something outrageous … made me laugh out loud every time. I think our middle daughter will love this. Wednesday will probably be her hero. Unfortunately, we couldn’t watch it with her because a) she moved out of home a month ago, and I doubt we could have waited between episodes for her to come and visit, and b) she’s currently in Europe.

A couple of inspiring/quirky/random blogs I read:

  • Aegir – Photography with a stunning blog design. The photography is wonderful, but what sets this blog apart is the design. You must go see it.
  • The Whippet: A Newsletter for the Terminally Curious – I find many things interesting, which causes some eye-rolling from my kids. However, my son tends to be more curious about more things than the girls. I tend to go deep on my current pet topics, but I also enjoy interesting facts about random topics. This newsletter is right up my alley.

    I popped into the Bili Nursery this morning to see their plants. I had what I thought was a long enough window of time to check it out before I needed to be home for my fruit and veggie delivery, but I didn’t take into account the passionate indigenous plant experts at the nursery. The staff member left his Christmas lunch celebration to share his knowledge and help me choose some plants to take home. He even got his book Victoria Flora to show me what some of the plants would look like in flower. I also tasted an apple berry for the first time, and he shared a heap of knowledge about how each plant grows. How good is it when you speak to someone so passionate about their niche area? I came home with a small tray of plants. I plan on a little patch of cottage-style wildflower garden near our pond with a mix of native lilies, daisies and billy buttons.

    The other plants with the reddish brown leaves are bushfood with berries which are supposed to taste amazing, but I mainly got them for their pretty foliage and trailing form. They’ll go in our raised planters to drape over the edge. The tube stock is small, but they should transplant better and quickly catch up to where they would have been if I had got the bigger pots. Tube stock is much more cost-effective, especially if you need a lot of plants.

    Are you a cheese lover? I am. When we were young, my dad’s office was in Carlton (Melbourne’s traditionally Italian area), and he always came home on the weekend with cheese from one of the shops on Lygon street. I got a taste for a wide variety of cheeses. On Wednesday, we went to the opening of our friend’s cheese shop, and we bought a delicious but stinky cheese. It had been sitting on the bench, and Geoff walked into the apartment yesterday and commented that it was starting to smell like a wet dog. I agreed with him that there was a smell but that it wasn’t wet dog. It wasn’t for a few more hours that I twigged that it was the cheese we could smell. It is fully wrapped, but it is now inside another sealed container and in the fridge. The apartment smells much better. We will have to remember to bring the cheese to room temperature before we want to eat it to have the whole gooey experience.


    4 responses to “Friday Thoughts #2”

    1. I am NOT a cheese person, but my husband and daughter go crazy for the good stuff.
      I always feel like the odd person out – in addition to not really enjoying cheese (I’ll eat it, and it’s fine, but I would never, ever go out of my way to have cheese and it has to be mild), I also don’t like spicy food (another of my husband’s favourites)! So he adds spice to everything after it’s cooked, and he buys nice cheese and I almost never touch it!

      1. I love spicy food too. I suppose your husband might be happy that there’s more cheese for him? My daughters both don’t like cheese so I always avoided too much of it in family meals, and I’ve had times where I’ve had to lay off dairy for 3-5 years. No cheese was probably the hardest part of that.

    2. The dance scene in Wednesday is iconic. I do not know how that actress did that with a straight face. I will be replicating moves from that scene at every wedding I go to for the rest of my life.

      1. IF you do, you must post a video. I would love to see that!