"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver


A Bayside Walk

Bathing Boxes at Brighton Beach

To get my walking back up to a reasonable distance after my stress fracture, I’ve been taking some time on the weekends to go for longer walks. On Saturday, I walked towards Black Rock from home along the beach and the bay trail. I had a time crunch, as I’d booked into a talk at the Bayside Gallery at 2 p.m. So I planned to walk until about noon, sit and have my lunch, and then walk back to the gallery. The temperature was in the low twenties, and I learned my lesson to wear shorts or at least my lightweight hiking pants, not jeans, when I’m walking further at those temperatures. In total, this walk was 15 km. I took some time to admire the bathing boxes on Brighton Beach, which are a tourist drawcard around here, and check out the views and birds along the way. Here are some photos from my wander.

Tunnel built by the St Kilda and Brighton Railway Co in 1861 to take freight from the Brighton Pier (no longer there) to Brighton Beach Station.
Little Pied Cormorant
Sandringham Foreshore. Looking towards Red Bluff and Black Rock Jetty and HMVS Cerberus
Sandringham Harbour
Female Splendid Fairy Wrens

When I got home, I did a bit of googling to learn more about some of the things I’d seen. Do you do that, too?


5 responses to “A Bayside Walk”

  1. […] went for a coastal walk today, which you can check out in Wednesday’s post. The weather was glorious, but I regretted my clothing choice, which was a bit warm because of the […]

  2. Wow that is so gorgeous where you live. That hike must be amazing. I am impressed with the 15 km to walk.
    The Bathing boxes are so bright and colorful. I bet it’s THE photo spot to go as a tourist. I know I would want to see them. But that cliff view…

    Thanks for sharing that with us.

    I sometimes google things I have seen and want to learn more about. Or I do it right on the spot.

    1. We live in very pretty part of the city. Although where we used to live had good walking tracks and lots of trees too. There are often buses of tourists being dropped off at the bathing boxes.

  3. Bathing boxes! I was wondering what they were called… so beautiful! 🙂
    You got some great pictures.

    1. They are very pretty. They are very expensive to own and cannot have any services connected. I think the latest have sold for $300,000 – $400,000.