"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Berlin, museums, airport and food tour – Fri 17th Nov

Street Art Kreuzberg

Today we had big day planned. In the morning we visited the DDR museum which is a fun museum exploring aspects of life in the DDR. Afterwards we visited the Typography of Terror which looks at how the Gestapo and SS operated.

DDR logo. You were supposed to put your own hand it to shake.
DDR propaganda
Mock up of typical apartment bedroom

After getting some lunch we went to the Templehof Airport. This was a Nazi vanity project that didn’t actually get finished before the war began. The shell of the building was used as a weapons manufacturing site. After the war the Americans took it over, using one half as a military base and the other half became the passenger terminal. This airport played an important part in the Berlin airlift which kept West Berlin supplied with essentials during the Soviet blockade.

Entrance Hall with original floors. It has a false roof.
Above the false roof. You can see how high the original ceiling was going to be. There is fire damage as the Nazis tried to destroy it at the end of the war
Basketball court. Part of the US base
The arrivals and departure hall. They weren’t separated like they are now
On the tarmac

After the tour we found a warm cafe in Kreuzberg to have a hot drink and shelter from the cold and rain while we waited for our evening food tour. This was fun evening and good for E to spend some time with people other than us. We started with curry wurst and a vegan egg salad at a brewery. I also tried their pineapple cider which was really yummy. We went to the brewery, a Turkish restaurant, Goldies, then for drinks at a pub. In between we walked through the streets and learnt a little bit about the neighbourhood, including the street art.

Curry wurst and Vegan Egg Salad. I tasted very like real egg salad.
Street art
Multi-storey building with street art
Goldies. We had the garlic parmigiano nasty fries. They were really good with a very fresh herby sauce on them.

It was a pretty late night but luckily the next morning we would be able to have a bit later start.


3 responses to “Berlin, museums, airport and food tour – Fri 17th Nov”

  1. So interesting! I am loving reading about your travels!

  2. You really planned a lot of your travel out… I am usually more of a “let’s see what we do today” kinda travel person LOL

    1. Flights are long and expensive from Australia to anywhere so I like to make the most of our time without being rushed. I’ve also learnt that my husband prefers having a live guide to tell him all about everything and so I generally book a few tours. When I haven’t organised anything we often get irritated with each other.