Category: Life
Good Things Friday
Finishing this post this morning, I realised I have no photos for it; in fact, I didn’t take any photos for the whole week. Fri 6.9.2024 SAT 7.9.2024 Sun 8.9.2024 Mon 9.9.2024 Tues 10.9.2024 Wed 11.9.2024 Thurs 12.9.2024 How has your week been? What’s been your favourite meal, TV show or read this week?
Good Things Friday
My parents arrived home from overseas this week to get stuck straight into packing up their apartment which will settle in October. Before listing all the good things I will have a whinge about the wind we’ve been having lately. I want to spray the citrus, and it’s been so windy every day I haven’t…
Good Things Friday
We had another week of warm winter weather here. In fact Australia collectively had its warmest winter day on record this week which probably isn’t a good thing. The Kimberley’s registered temperatures were over 41C, but our top temperature for the week was 23C which is close to perfect in my opinion. FRI 23.8.2024 SAT…
Good Things Friday
This week was largely free of “extra” activities, which meant I could knuckle down and get things done. Although I love my holidays and peppering in fun activities when we are home, sometimes you just need some time at home. FRI 16.8.2024 SAT 17.8.2024 SUN 18.8.2024 MON 19.8.2024 TUES 20.8.2024 WED 21.8.2024 THURS 22.8.2024 How…
Good Things Friday
This week was a good one. Over the weekend, we flew to Sydney and stayed with four friends for the City to Surf race. I wasn’t running, but it was still a fantastic weekend. We flew out of Sydney in the rain and into the warmest weather we’ve had in Melbourne since April. I did…
Good Things Friday
This week has been a busy one, with lots of good things. There has been a lot of watching the Olympics on TV. We’ve had some fun outings/celebrations, and this will be a short work week for me, so I’m rushing to get everything done before we head to Sydney. Another thing that has brought…
Good Things Friday
This week has, as usual, been a bit of a mixed bag. I had a couple of medium-level migraines on the weekend and another on Tuesday, but luckily that was just before I went to bed, and it didn’t interfere with my sleep. My foot is improving every day, and I’m almost at the stage…
Good Things Friday
FRI 19.7.2024 SAT 20.7.2024 SUN 21.7.2024 MON 22.7.2024 TUES 23.7.2024 WED 24.7.2024 THURS 25.7.2024 Over to you. How has your week been? Have you had some good things?
Good Things Friday
This week was another one of those weeks. On Tuesday, I woke up with a migraine, and it was also the day of my gynecology appointment. I quickly made sure G could drive me there later in the day and took my vertigo medication to settle the symptoms. I’d been having persistent daily bleeding and…