Category: Renewal
First Beach Day and It’s Still Spring!
A few years ago, we ended the summer, and I realised I hadn’t swum in the ocean once. Admittedly, we hadn’t had the warmest summer, but there were some days that I could have gone to the beach but didn’t. Most of that was just laziness and forgetting how refreshing it can be to swim…
Renewal Adjacent Reading in July
This post includes a lot of prayer and God talk. If that’s not your thing, you might want to skip this. I’m a fair way into my year of renewal and am keen to get more forward movement in the spiritual area of my life. With this in mind, I picked up several books on…
Renewal: Second Quarter Thoughts
Back in December, I announced that renewal would be my guiding word for the year. I followed up in January with some initial thoughts and then again at the end of the first quarter of the year. Overall, this quarter has had its fair share of setbacks and frustrations, but I have continued to be…
Good Things Friday
Last weekend was the Gold Coast Marathon Weekend when both G and I were supposed to run the marathon, and we were out of action. So instead of completing my first marathon, there was a lot of eating, lazing around and watching other people running. FRI 5.7.2024 SAT 6.7.2024 SUN 7.7.2024 MON 8.7.2024 TUES 9.9.2024…
The Renewing Power of Repetition
Last year I put on my list of intentions to develop and maintain some new habit stacks. It didn’t go well. By mid-year I’d called time on this intention and given the whole endeavour away. I certainly hadn’t bought into that intention, hence the lack of progress. I don’t regret nixing it at the time…
Good Things Friday
Have I mentioned before that I was inspired by Elisabeth identifying her “Happy Things Friday” posts as a “Sabbath practice” to regard these posts as my own Sabbath practice? Wirzba’s emphasis on delight in his book Living the Sabbath prompted me once again to think about these posts in the context of Sabbath living, leading…
Living the sabbath: discovering the rhythms of rest and delight by norman wirzba
I normally just do a quick review of the books I read at the end of each month but “Living the Sabbath” had many points of intersection with some of the emphases I wanted my year of renewal to have. So, for my own benefit, I’ve decided to do a more in-depth summary. In this…
Renewal: First Quarter Thoughts
Since I picked my word, I’ve had lots of thoughts about renewal, but most are floating around willy-nilly in my head. I think I need to wrangle them into written form to really pin them down, which I WILL do. In the meantime, I thought I’d jot down a few thoughts on how it’s been…
Hiking @ Ferny
I’ve mentioned before that my husband has moved to a 4-day work week and I work casual hours from home, so some weeks we can do some fun things during the week. Last Friday I wanted to hike, and G had been wanting to take me up to Ferny to show me the running trail…
Renewal … some initial thoughts
RENEWAL: the instance of resuming something after an interruption the replacement or repair of something I announced my word late last year but didn’t go into a lot of detail about what it might look like in practical terms. I’m pretty excited about it and think it will be a good word to guide me…