
Renewal … some initial thoughts

An installation at Time by Rone.

the instance of resuming something after an interruption
the replacement or repair of something

I announced my word late last year but didn’t go into a lot of detail about what it might look like in practical terms. I’m pretty excited about it and think it will be a good word to guide me in all areas of my life. As I go through the year I’ll be collecting thoughts and inspiration from my reading, listening and watching and trying to settle into the right amount of the right activities. I want a full life with the right kind of fullness … to be “the right kind of busy”

The right kind of busy is indicative of a mind in touch with itself and in deep connection with others. It’s constantly recalibrating, re-examining, we rethinking: what’s enough? What should I do more, and what should I do less? It means having a calendar that’s at once full and with built-in flex. It breathes deeply and sleeps soundly. The right kind of busy is a feast.

Anne Helen Peterson, “The Right Kind of Busy”, Culture Study

I love that last sentence—”The right kind of busy is a feast.” So, to do this year of renewal well will require, not only action but also reflection. What is worth resuming? What things are broken, and in need of repair or replacement? When does renewal look like acceptance of, and finding ways of working with the limits of circumstances we can’t change? This month I’ve been thinking a bit, praying a bit and taking some tentative steps forward. Here are some of the ideas I have for exploring renewal in various areas of my life.

  • Spiritual:
    • The word renewal initially came to my attention as part of a conversation on church renewal and in particular spiritual renewal, both personally and communally. This is also the area that sits as a foundation for the rest of my life. Last year, I settled into a fairly regular routine for my quiet times using Lectio365 which I do highly recommend, but this year I wanted to go analogue. Just before Christmas, I shook up my morning quiet time so now I don’t need my phone— just my journal, pen, and bible at the minimum but I also usually have a prayer book and some other kind of theological book. This means I can have an 8 pm – 8 am phone blackout. This is working well at the moment but I may keep tweaking and I’m keen to explore this area further as the year progresses.

  • Physical:
    • I had a bit of frustration in this area last year. I quit coffee, and most chocolate, and am having minimal dairy and alcohol as well as being mindful of my hydration and this seems to have helped with my vertigo and migraines. I have an appointment in April to see a neurologist. Maybe there’s something that can be done about them, but if not, at least I’ve left no stone unturned.
    • I’ve resumed running regularly and am building up my weekly kilometres.
    • Since COVID I’ve had a gradual weight increase and I would like to lose some weight if I can—running is so much harder with the extra kilos. I’ll do a short stint monitoring my food intake to see if some tweaks will help with this but I won’t be militant about it. If it helps, it helps … if not, oh well. Although I’d already done some tweaks last year to increase my protein, after my first day of monitoring I realised that I am well under the protein intake suggested by Dr Tracy Sims in her book Next Level. Increasing my protein will be my first step!
    • I have a few other muscle/body weaknesses and soreness, including bad posture that needs attention.
  • Intellectual:
    • I was really happy with my reading life last year but my notes are in complete disarray. Maybe get these in order? I do miss the opportunity presented by my study to do nerdy deep dives. I plan to join the big theological library in Melbourne. Maybe this year is the year to get a theological article published? Or maybe something for Ethos? My last published article was work from my chemistry thesis, LOL. As you can see more thought is required for this one. Time may be an issue on these.
  • Community: This covers family, friends, neighbourhood and church.
    • Church: G and I are joining the ministry leadership team. First meeting next week. I am leading a ministry to pre-school families. G and I will continue to lead a small group. The first six weeks of our church services will be focused on prayer.
    • Family: I’m pretty happy with the strength of the relationships within our immediate family. I’d like to try to get down to my parent’s place more this year. We’re going back there Friday for the long weekend.
    • Friends: Not sure. I’m pretty happy with this area. Once we’re back from our trip to Tasmania I want to organise a night at our place with my school friends.
    • Neighbourhood: ? I need more thought on this one. One thing already on my list is to look for a local organisation that works with vulnerable people to support them financially.
  • Environmental: renewing the little pocket of dirt we currently have responsibility for and making small steps to minimise my harmful impacts on the planet.
    • Tend to the soil, grow some food, and make our garden a welcoming place for various critters. I have a worm farm arriving in the next few days.

I realise this looks a lot like a goal list but I reserve the right to recalibrate, re-examine and rethink, treat it like a smorgasbord, and generally, go with the flow.

Do you have a word for the year, or another way to set your course? Or do you just prefer to wing it completely?


  • J

    I don’t have an organized plan, but I do have things I want to do…I’d like to declutter some, I’m working on exercising more, doing yoga, etc. I like your word, and your plans going forward sound like good ones that will bring meaning and satisfaction.

  • Elisabeth

    Love the word and love the intentions.

    I’m easing in to a Year of Shmita. What does the Bible say about rest and Sabbath, what does that look like in my own life, what habits can I adopt this year that will serve me well for the rest of my time on earth? Pretty big existential questions I guess but then how do I incorporate it into the mundane? Needing more exercise and sleep; dealing with ongoing neighbourhood stress.

    I think one part of me feels discouraged because I want to be “enlightened” and have all the answers NOW. But this is a process and I guess at the end of the day I need to be so careful to keep my eye on the ultimate prize: a more deep and rich relationship with Jesus and less on the semantics of how I organize my morning routine?

    I really hope your vertigo and migraines show consistent and lasting improvement in 2024 <3

    • Melissa

      THings like a quiet time and other spiritual disciplines really are just a way of making ourselves open and available to God, so yes, it is really important, as yuo say, to not get caught up in the act themselves.

  • Tobia | craftaliciousme

    As I have said in the previous post your paths woth our chosen words for the year look so similiar.
    The physical one for one. I really need to get i better shape and find a way to redice some of the sorness and issues. i have cut out sugar in November and it does wonders to my migraine. I need to do more of that. And i have a hard tie integrating more protein. If you find good ideas here please share.

    And the whole friendship, family thing also hit home. I want to make more effort talking on the phone and go see my sister who doesnt live in Berlin. She decided to celebrate her 40th birthday and her finishing exam for her theology studies and becoming a full time pastor. So happy for her. So we go and celebrate with her.

    And I also want to grow a balcony/terrace garden. Last year my plants had to adjust to the new environment and you could tell they struggled. This year I hope it will be ebtter. On Friday I ordered lots of seeds from my client for a photo shoot – which I will be able to use afterwards. So the selection I made was not entirely job related. Upps.

    • Melissa

      MY friend cut out sugar and that really helped her migraines too. I will post some of what works for me for getting more protein, once I’ve got it sorted.

  • Jenny

    I’m a little late commenting- somehow I missed this post the first time around and I’m glad I came back to it- I love hearing about people’s words, plans and goals for the year. It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this! You have some nice “renewal” plans. I saw in a more recnt post that our worm farm arrived! I can’t wait to see what you do with your garden this year.
    Yes, I’m always tweaking my diet to try to be healthier, and it IS frustrating when you can’t see a change. I also read Next Level and increasing my protein was a goal for 2023- now I have to continue it.
    I don’t have a word for this year but rather a phrase, “Every Day Counts.” I’m trying to really appreciate every day instead of wishing time away. I’m still struggling with it, but having that phrase in my mind does help.

    • Melissa

      I really love your phrase for this year. Tweaking the diet is actually pretty hard. I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and just eat more fish and meat … or rather spread it our a little bit more. I’m not great with dairy which would be an easy add to up the protein if I could have it.