"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

DC to New York -Halloween 2023

Today Hubby and I swapped roles – he didn’t sleep well so skipped his run while I got up and hit the Capital Crescent Trail. While running along there, I noticed up ahead a black SUV reversing up the trail with a Secret Service agent walking beside. I think he was just making sure the driver didn’t hit any of the cyclists or runners using the trail. Anyway, the Secret Service Agent said to me “You can keep running ma’am.” Is it slightly ridiculous that I thrilled by this interaction, and the possibility of someone important in the SUV about to go cycling on the same trail? I think it probably is but I couldn’t help myself. The ma’am thing though is not something that I’m used to … it’s not something people say in Australia.

Capital Crescent Trail

Once back at the hotel, after sharing my excitement with my husband, I had a shower and packed my bag to checkout of our hotel. The good thing about our small amount of luggage is that we could easily take it with us to breakfast, and then on the metro to Union Station. We went to Tatte bakery for breakfast and it was pretty good. While waiting for our train to New York I wandered around and got some photos of the station.

A Black Cat sets the scene for Halloween
Union Station

The train to New York went smoothly, although they kept apologising for being eight minutes late. It was interesting to see the countryside and towns/cities as we travelled and seeing the different types of architecture. I did a bit of research on the New York subway before we left and you can use tap and go instead of buying a card. While in New York I’ve been using my Garmin wallet to tap on for the subway. It’s so easy. If you travel more than twelve times in seven days the rest of your trips are free, you just have to make sure that you always tap on with the same device. You can use your card, phone or watch. From the Moynihan Train Hall, where we arrived in New York, it was only a couple of stops on the subway and a short walk to our hotel near Bryant Park.

Once settled in we headed back out to the Top of the Rock. I’d booked sunset tickets so we skipped the queue outside the building but not the massive queue in side for the lifts. We did make it up to see the sunset and stayed until dark.

Looking Downtown towards the Empire State Building
Looking Uptown towards Central Park
Despite the clouds we had a little red flare at sunset
The Empire State Building with its Halloween lights

Heading back down I took some photos around the Rockefeller Centre, then we caught the subway to dinner in the Tavern at Gramercy Tavern. We saw plenty of people dressed up for Halloween and even a couple of kids out trick or treating. The restaurant was beautifully decorated with Fall foliage and pumpkins and some of the waiters were in costume. There seemed to be a bit of a pirate theme going on. Several of the diners were also in costume. This was all very different for us coming from Australia where Halloween only just started to become a thing.

Ice Skating at the Rockefeller Centre
Radio City Music Hall
Gramercy Tavern
Fall Decor
More Fall decor at the bar … and if you look closely The Devil and her friend sitting at the bar.


10 responses to “DC to New York -Halloween 2023”

  1. I just love New York. It is such a happy place for me and I really would love to live there for 6-9 months sometime. A bucket list item. Something about that city just feels SO ALIVE and there is so much to do and see and so much potential. I’ve only been three times, but I’d love to go again just before Christmas and see all the window displays and, of course, go to Broadway again. I’ve been to four shows and think my idea of “wealth” would be popping down to New York for a weekend and taking in a whole bunch of shows.

    1. Oh yes, an extended stay would be wonderful. One of our tour guides goes to at least one show every week.

  2. What stunning views! Now i want to visit NYC.

    1. NYC is fantastic. See much to see, do and experience

  3. I love New York, but I haven’t been in ages. I think it was 2000 the last time I was there. Crazy. I remember we went on one of those fast boat cruises around the harbor, ‘The Beast’. Lots of fun. I also love those East Coast train stations, they’re beautiful.

    Being able to tap whatever payment method you have to ride public transportation is wonderful. I wish we had that here. I spent a day in San Francisco recently, and we rode the Cable Cars for a bit. If you get on anywhere but at the ends of the line, you have to pay cash, and it’s $8 per person. Luckily we had the cash.

    1. Oh, also, your photos are beautiful!

    2. Yes, the cable cars in SF are not cheap

  4. I would have totally geeked out over the interaction with the secret service officer LOL

    Those are some amazing pictures from NYC. You’re really making the best of these stop overs.

  5. Those views over New York City are amazing. I need to do that next time I am there. I only went up during daylight.

    Also that stations looks beautiful.

    I am amazed about all the research that you did to find out about those tricks and saving options. So good.

    1. Yes, you must see it at night. It’s a whole different feel.