"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver


Good News

I’m certain that I was feeling crap last Thursday because of the COVID vaccination. By Friday I was starting to feel better. Yesterday I did my 20km long run, and today, I did a 6km recovery run. I did feel a bit flat yesterday, but I think I was a bit under-fueled. The post-run brekkie burger hardly hit the sides. I’ve decided to wait to continue building my distance until after we’ve moved, and I have more margin in my life for recovery.

So far, NaBloPoMo is going well. I have one post already waiting to publish and a few more ideas … so I should be able at least to make it by the end of the week. 😏

Since we’re downsizing, we’ve been trying to offload our excess furniture. Hubby and I both work from home, and our new apartment has a built-in desk in the study, so we needed to offload our current desks. We have someone coming to pick them up later today. My dining table now looks like this:

I hate visual clutter, fortunately, this will only be for the next 5 days. Dinners will be eaten on the couch, although the weather is looking up for the next few days, which means we’ll probably be able to eat at the table outside.

This week’s pet peeve: People hitting the button for the pedestrian crossing with their foot. Seriously? I know you might not want to touch the button with your hand, but by hitting it with the bottom of your shoe that has been walking along the street and possibly in bird and dog poo, you’re making it worse for everyone else. What about the poor pensioner who is following along behind you? They certainly can’t lift their leg high enough to hit the button with their foot. If you feel you must avoid touching the button, use your knee.

What’s your current “pet peeve”?


8 responses to “Good News”

  1. Nice work on the long run. I am glad you didn’t feel too bad after the Covid vaccine.

    Wow, I have not seen people hit the pedestrian crossing button with their foot. That is … gross. Is this a new sport? I’ve been hitting it with my elbow ever since the pandemic started, but that seems reasonable, right?

    My current pet peeve is that people can’t keep their dogs in check when I am out on my run. I had two dogs charge at me on my run yesterday. They didn’t seem aggressive per se (maybe they just wanted to say hello), but they startled me nonetheless.

    1. Elbows are fine … feet are not.

      I got tangled up in a dog’s lead last week as the owner was letting them walk all over the path and there are bushes which prevent you from jumping off to the side to go around.

  2. I’ve never seen anyone hit the ped crossing button with their foot! How rude! Just touch it with your elbow or something. So strange.

    Pet peeve: People using their turn signals as they are turning instead of before the turn. It’s such a frustration.

  3. Oh that is annoying using your foot for the ped crossing. Some people are just weird. I probbaly wouldnt hit it at all and just walk the street when ever there is an opening.

  4. Wait, what? They use their foot for the signal? I have never seen that before. My current pet peeve is that there are certain people in our household who always drop their socks on the floor when they take them off and leave them there (in our entrance hallway, in front of the TV, next to the bed) – working hard on that to stop.

    1. I see it semi-regularly driving through Armadale and Toorak on the weekend for some reason.

  5. I have also never seen someone use a foot to press the crosswalk button?! That sounds both weird and gross. Plus…I don’t think I’m even flexible enough to do this??!!

  6. I believe I have seen this phenomenon, but only once that I can remember. I agree, it’s horribly rude and inconsiderate.

    Reading comments, I am also unhappy with people letting dogs run off leash. I have a dog who is a spaz and if someone were jogging by, he would want to play and perhaps jump on them. What if he knocked them down? Not cool. A friend of my husband had his dog murdered by an off leash dog a few months ago. Horrific, sad, and traumatizing. I really dislike people who let their dogs run off leash for this reason, and I carry mace with me, just in case.

    I came here from NaBloPoMo at Sen’s place. Good luck on your move!