First off a fun list … 18 Ways to Organise Your Bookshelf
A couple of interesting takes on creativity and AI:
ChatGPT’s intent is to eliminate the process of creation and its attendant challenges, viewing it as nothing more than a time-wasting inconvenience that stands in the way of the commodity itself. Why strive?, it contends. Why bother with the artistic process and its accompanying trials? Why shouldn’t we make it ‘faster and easier?’
Nick Cave: The Red Hand Files, Issue #428 https://www.theredhandfiles.com/chatgpt-making-things-faster-and-easier/
“Information is more than data, and intelligence is more than computation.”
From Homogeneity and Bedlam to Sense and Sensibility – Charles Eisenstein
An Essay About Slow-Cookers? OK. In Praise of the Humble Slow-Cooker my slow-cooker was a life-saver when I was in the middle of years of driving the kids to all.the. activities.
A fascinating blog all about living in Antarctica: Pressure Altitude – brr – did you know that the pressure at the south pole drops faster as you go up when compared with a similar altitude of change at middle latitudes?
Another gem from The Whippet: Finally, someone identifies my problem when attempting to “start small.” I hadn’t been able to put my finger on exactly what it was that didn’t work for me but this is right I think. Many times when we start small the reward is also too small. When forming a new habit: consider not starting small. Written from the perspective of someone with ADHD but clearly, it’s not just a problem for those with ADHD.
Bahn Mi Rice Bowls: These were good. I made them with quinoa and rice to up the protein.
FIFA Women’s World Cup (we also went to one match): This has captivated the country and also prompted plenty of discussions regarding women’s sport. Some of the conversations are probably long overdue .
The Legend of Vox Machina – I watched this at the request of my eldest daughter. This D&D inspired animated series is not for kids, featuring funny one-liners, adult jokes, sex, language and gore. My daughter is the ultimate rule follower but seems to love watching fictional characters behaving badly … as long as they have a heart of gold. The one-liners frequently had me laughing out loud. Ridiculous, irreverent fun.
The Blacklist – this is a show I watch with Hubby. We are deep into the tenth season now. Ultra-smart criminal mastermind works with a secretive FBI task force to bring other criminals to justice.
Emily in Paris – I’ve been watching this with my younger daughter. American marketer in Paris. Cute, frothy feel-good show.
The Block – Renovation show. Filmed only a few kilometres from our place. I only watch on Sundays when they reveal and judge the finished rooms. Since they offer a recap of the week for the first 45 minutes or don’t feel the need to watch the rest of the week.
Lincoln Lawyer – is another show I’ve been watching with Hubby. We do love our mysteries.
Clarkson’s Farm – Rev head tries his hand at farming. Battles the two nasties … the weather and the bureaucracy.
Barbie – so much has already been said about this. Ii was mixed feelings for me. I loved a lot of it but found some of it grating.
An interesting podcast discussing shifting cultural forces: Rebuilders: The shifting centres of power and morality. This podcast is from a Melbourne-based church that does a lot of deep thinking about culture but most of this podcast would be of general interest to anyone concerned about our communal well-being.
“I think what I’ve thought about this is it’s the nightmare scenario for people on the left and the right. If you’re on the left, your whole idea is you don’t want to see massive corporations rule the world. You’re afraid of global capitalism and you want to see those oppressed by global capitalism. Free. Well, this is that nightmare scenario. Global capitalism has grown its powers immensely and it’s oppressing people for profit. If you’re on the right, you have a sense of conserving things of value, such as the family and character and morality. Well, global corporations are massively undermining that.”
What’s caught your eye/ear this month?
4 responses to “Reading, Watching, Listening August 2023”
I love that you got Lonely Planets from the Library. I didn’t know people were still using them 🙂
I have not seen the Barbie movie and I probably will wait until it becomes available to stream.
Our library has a lot of Lonely Planet books. I like to use them to get a first overview and then I use the internet to double-check details and fill in the gaps.
I think the Barbie movie is one that won’t lose much on a smaller screen.
Loved the piece from the Whippet. I could never understand how 1 minute of anything can be valid. Read the power of habit and atomic habits and do not remember non of those two books… What works for me is thinking of future me and how habits influence our future.
Reading: “the Trauma Cleaner” by Sarah Krastostein. Listening: just finished Louise Hay “you can heal your life”, classic. Watching: nothing.
It’s amazing how people can be so different in what works for their habot forming.