Making: Meyer Lemon Bars, but with ordinary lemons for a thank-you function for our Church’s op shop volunteers. This is a very yummy, lemony slice. Highly recommended and pretty easy. The base and the topping are both whizzed up in the food processor. I don’t toast the coconut.
Getting: The defects on the apartment fixed. All the little ones got done, but there a few that need specialised contractors to come in.
Cooking: Baked ham. One for my family Christmas a few weekends ago and one on Christmas Day for Hubby’s family celebration.
Sipping: Sleepy Tea before bed each evening.
Reading: Creating a Missional Culture: Equipping the Church for the Sake of the World by J.R. Woodward. I picked it up and realised I’d got halfway through it at some stage. It is good. I may need to go back and reread the first half.
Thinking: about reserving some books for my Christmas holidays.
Remembering: When the tinsel on our tree was blue, now faded to silver.
Looking: Out our big windows at the garden.

Listening: To podcasts on my long run. Strength Running and A Drink With a Friend
Wishing: I could sleep during the day like this.

Enjoying: Having Riley back with us.
Appreciating: A sensibly designed kitchen
Wanting: Curtains in our bedroom. We were a bit late ordering and they won’t arrive until the New Year.
Eating: Leftovers.
Finishing: work for the year soon.
Liking: Having no westerly sun shining into our place.
Loving: Entertaining in our new place.
Buying: Christmas presents … or I will/should be.
Watching: Dead to me. We have just started watching this, so we have three seasons.
Hoping: For nice weather on Christmas Day so we can sit outside.
Wearing: Running gear. I’ll be leaving soon for our running club’s end of year 1K relays and dinner. We’re put into random teams of three, and each participant runs two 1K legs of the relay.
Walking: To SuperRandom, our local cafe and the dog park.
Noticing: It gets very hot in the kitchen in the morning with the sun blazing in. We’ve ordered a blind, so that should help. It will be heavenly having the morning sun in winter though.
Saving: My Christmas shopping for 2 hours on Thursday. Wish me luck!
Waiting: For our bar stools and bench to arrive.
Bookmarking: 22 End-of-Year Journaling Prompts to Inspire Reflection. I don’t intend to do them all but may pick a few.
Coveting: Welcome to Country: A Travel Guide to Indigenous Australia by Marcia Langton. I have provided it as a gift suggestion.
Feeling: A bit better than I was earlier this month. My body is recovering from the move finally.
Hearing: Our neighbour’s doorbells. Waiting for ours to be fixed.
3 responses to “Taking Stock December 2022”
What a fun post. I love all these prompts. I might have to borrow this idea for the new year.
And lemon bars sound SO good right now! What a fresh, bright flavour around the holidays.
Oh, sun streaming in windows in the winter is the best feeling ever. Imagine how much Riley will love to sleep in the sunspots!
I love your window front. So much light! 🙂 And a sensibly designed kitchen sounds like a wonderful thing to have 😉 (why aren’t all kitchens sensibly designed??)