Taking stock of where I am this month with prompts by Pip.

Making: the most of our temporary digs. I went to an exhibition at the ACMI, strolled down through Chinatown on my way to do some shopping, ate yummy pizza in Carlton, ran in Princes, Royal Park and Westgate Park and visited the State Library. The weather has not been fabulous, and we are away this weekend, but we will try to do a few more interesting things while we’re here.
Getting: ideas for our garden from an abundance of native plantings in our public spaces.
Cooking: in my mum’s apartment kitchen. It’s very well-stocked with cooking equipment, but I have to rummage around the tubs and boxes of food from our pantry that are spread around the kitchen to find the right ingredients.
Sipping: Matched wines at of lazy 6-course lunch at Provenance in Geelong with the extended family.
Reading: The massive doorstop The Evening and the Morning by Ken Follett
Thinking: about re-starting my street walking project once we’re in our apartment.
Remembering: Family weddings … prompted by the prominently displayed wedding photos here.
Looking: at paintings on loan from the Tate at the ACMI.

Listening: To the wind whip around our 11th-story apartment.
Wishing: La Nina would go away to allow some respite for the flooded communities around Australia.
Enjoying: listening to the birds when I run.
Appreciating: having somewhere to stay while we wait to settle on our apartment.
Wanting: to wake up feeling energetic
Eating: Lifesavers Fruit Tingles Chocolate Block … a guilty pleasure
Finishing: The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5
Liking: having more leftovers when there are only two of us
Loving: the extra push of NaBloPoMO to get me writing here.
Buying: New casual shoes and a T-shirt.
Watching: Space Force, because sometimes you need ridiculous, escapist fluff at the end of the day.
Hoping: our supplies of mozzie repellent and fly spray are sufficient when we travel to the Murray on the weekend.
Wearing: winter clothes again. We’re having a blast of winter weather at the moment.
Walking: The streets of Carlton and the CBD.
Following: a foot strengthening program in an attempt to stay strong as I increase my kilometres.
Noticing: That rain looks different when you watch it fall from above.
Saving: not much. We’re spending what we saved on our apartment and things for the apartment.
Waiting: To move into our apartment.
Bookmarking: native garden ideas
Coveting: Undisturbed sleep.
Feeling: Fatigued.
Hearing: Drums, horns and chanting of the rally in solidarity with Iran on Saturday evening.

How’s your October been?
8 responses to “Taking Stock November 2022”
This is great – I love these kinds of posts.
I am super-intrigued by the foot strengthening program. Has you done it before and have you felt a difference? As I understand, you’re also a runner… what’s your mileage right now?
I can imagine that you can’t wait to be back in your permanent space. Transitions are always fun, but also hard.
The foot strengthening program is from The Foot Collective. They sell equipment/shoes but also have lots of information on their blog.
I already had the toe spreaders and had been doing some of their exercises, but they have a 6-week program of exercises using a cork balance bar that is the one I’m doing.
MY mileage was 45km before the move, but it has gone down over the 2 weeks of moving. I’ll aim for 45km this week then start building to 60km hopefully.
I just got The Evening and the Morning out from the library and I can’t wait to start it. Thanks for giving me the idea!
I hate the unsettled feeling of moving. I have done it many times in my life, though I have lived in our current place for 24 years, which is crazy to me. I know you will be glad when you are settled in your own place.
Great pictures!
This was so fun to read! It must be tedious to be in this liminal space right now — I’m sure you cannot wait for things to feel more settled.
I thought Space Force was quite amusing. Glad you are enjoying it!
These posts are always so fun. A snapshot in time. Like a photograph of a street photographer but in writing. We know a little about you but a lot will be filled in our minds and we create picture.
I love the Evening and The mOrning. I find it easy to read a Ken Follett novel even though they are thick.
I’m also intrigued by the foot-strengthening program. What does it entail? Did you have to buy equipment? I have plantar fasciitis in one foot (have had it for a long time now) and am interested in any ideas to help it.
I’m a little late commenting- hope you got some sleep!
The foot program is from THe Foot Collective. https://tfc-shopaus.com/
They do have the equipment, and the training comes included.