I started my 101 Things list on September 11th 2023. I’m checking my progress every 100 days. At the end of the first 100 days, I calculated that I was 11.73% complete. Let’s get into the next 200 days, shall we?
- Reading and Writing
- Read 120 books – I’ve read another 20 books (+16.67%). That makes 24 in total.
- 50 lists blog project – another 5 posts (+10%). I’ve done 7 lists in total.
- Read five Miles Franklin Award Winners – Breath by Tim Winton was the 2009 winner. (20%)
- Join a theological library – done. I joined the Dalton McCaughey library
- Running and Fitness
- Run a marathon – I’m in training
- City to Surf – we signed up to do this year’s race
- Parkruns (x10) – I’ve done three Parkruns (30%)
- Home
- Get artwork (bedroom and living) – we found our piece for our living. I’ll count it as done once it’s framed and hanging on the wall.
- Get artwork (bedroom and living) – we found our piece for our living. I’ll count it as done once it’s framed and hanging on the wall.
- Sustainability
- Repair something instead of replacing it – complete. I repaired my watchband, two T-shirts and pair of 3/4 running tights.
- Start a worm farm – complete.
- Neighbourhood
- Finishing walking or running every street in Brighton, Elwood and Gardenvale – I’ve run another 20 streets 382 (+5.24%). In total I’ve run 299 streets.
- Try five new neighbourhood restaurants or cafes – we took the girls to Bottarga. (+20%)
- Melbourne and Surrounds
- Try 5 new restaurants – we went to Smith St Bistrot for our anniversary and The Albert Park Hotel with friends. (+40%)
- Local Hiking (x6) – We went to Ferny (16.67%)
- Travel
- Three Capes Track – complete. This was part of our Tasmania trip
- Visit four Victorian National Parks – Ferny is in the Yarra Ranges National Park (25%)
- Israel – we were supposed to be there now. This may need to be subbed out.
- Faith
- Get a mainly music group up and running – complete. We started in February.
- Read the bible in a year(ish) – still going with this (+17%)
- Experience
- Internet free days (x15) – 25th Dec, 7th Jan, 1st and 2nd March (+26.67%)
- Swim at a beach/river/lake (x15) – we are out of the El Nina weather pattern and expecting a hotter summer here so I expect I’ll have more swimming opportunities over the next couple of years. I swam in the ocean six times this summer/autumn. Three times each at Elwod and Point Lonsdale beaches. (40%)
- Food
- Finish cooking all the recipes in Tenderheart Cookbook – I’ve cooked 3 more (+1.67%)
- Bottling or preserving (x10) – I made Silvan berry jam with Dad. (10%)
- Family and Friends
- Small gatherings (x10) – We had a friend over for dinner and some running friends for brunch (+20%)
- Family 2000-piece puzzles (x5) – We’ve completed the last two for this challenge (+40%) … and kept going.
- Update our wills and POA’s – the kids are adults now so no guardian is needed and the checks and balances we put on need a rethink. We had a zoom meeting with our lawyer and we just need to send through some more information to him.
- For later (these were three items I left blank to fill in later)
- Camino di Santiago – we’ve booked this for October.
- Finish my online French course
For days 100-200, I completed 8.22% of my list, which means I’m 19.96% through the list. I might need to get a wriggle on over the next 100 days.
8 responses to “101 Things in 1001 days: 200-Day Check-In”
These posts are so much fun to read. Also, the check-ins every 100 days is smart to make sure you keep the goals in mind. Good going!!
I really need these check-ins, otherwise I might forget some of the things that are on there.
That was fun to read, and wow, you’re making great progress! I love the art work you got for your living room, it’s beautiful.
Wow! I am just so impressed. And so many happy, wonderful things in here, too. Puzzles! Good food! Beautiful art!
Love these posts! I am sure you mentioned it somewhere already, but how do you prioritize which activities to do from the list? Do you make a daily list, weekly list, yearly? How often do you look at your master list? Also, Camino de Santiago in October is amazing.
Some of the things are long projects so they stay on my weekly lists and I work through them like a normal big project. Some I’ve decided I’ll do them at a particular time. Others I kind of know I want to do those tihngs (have people over for example) and so I look for opportunities to do that. I mainly look at my list at the set times and move some tihngs across to my current propiorities or if I finish a major project and am looking for something new to start I’ll look over it.
I am so so impressed how you keep tackling this. I feel like you are way more ahead of your list than me and I started a year earlier. I should really get a crack on some of my goals if I want to manage my minimum of 40% of finished lost. Thanks for the motivation I will now go and see which goal I can check of rather easiliy.
Easy goals that give a quick win are a good place to start. It needs to still be fun though I think, rather than a pressure.