I started my 101 Things list on September 11th 2023. I’m checking my progress every 100 days. At the end of the first 400 days, I calculated that I was 30.8% complete. Let’s see how I went in the next 100 days …
- Reading and Writing
- Read 120 books – It was a slow reading period with our holiday and NaBloPoMo, so only five books. (+4%)
- 50 Lists Blog Project – I did six lists (12%)
- Home
- Get artwork (bedroom and living) – we got the artwork for the bedroom, so this is complete (+50%)

- Experience
- Swim at a beach/river/lake (x15) – I swam nine times, so this is complete. Nov 16th Elwood, Nov 22nd and 23rd Elwood, Dendy Beach Dec 20th and Elwood Dec 23rd, Point Lonsdale Back Beach 4th Jan, Lorne Jan 10th and 11th, Brighton Pier Jan 19th (+60%+)
- Internet free days – Dec 25th (+6%)

- Family and Friends
- Celebration dinner for each family birthday (including E’s 21st celebration) – we had E’s 21st party and my birthday dinner at Tulum (+14%)
- Big gatherings (x4) – early Christmas lunch at our place (+25%)
- Small gatherings (x10) – small group end-of-year BBQ (10.12.2024), P for dinner (11.12.2024), Building Christmas drinks (17.12.2024) (+30%)

- Food
- Finish cooking all the recipes in the Tenderheart Cookbook – I cooked another 16 dishes (+5%)
- Bottling or Preserving (x10) – We picked Marion Berries and made jam (+10%)
- Faith
- Read the bible in a year. After several hiccups with travelling and being out of routine, I’ve kept going with this. (+26%)
- Running and Fitness
- Parkruns (x10) – Echuca 30.11.2024 (+10%)

- Travel
- Short Breaks (x5) – We had two which makes this complete. Pop and Pour Festival Moama, Lorne (+40%)
- Memories and Photography
- Finish the kids’ books and hand over all their stuff – I scanned and sorted E and H’s photos and memorabilia, boxed them up in A3-size shallow storage boxes, and handed them over. (+16%)
- Neighbourhood
- Try five new neighbourhood restaurants or cafes – we went to our fifth Buongiorno (+20%)
- Community
- Invite our neighbours over – we had Christmas drinks for our building’s residents.
I calculated that I did 4.28% in 100 days, which is slow progress, to make my list 35.08% complete. Hopefully, I can tick a few off in the next 100 days.
13 responses to “101 Things in 1001 Days: 500 Day Check-In”
4.28% may seem slow, but you finished off a few of the categories, and most importantly, they were fun ones!! I love that your travel goal is already done, but I am sure you will continue to add things to that category even if it is complete! I was always a fan of doing the harder thing first, or eating the thing I dislike and saving the best for last, but a coworker of mine always does the “low hanging fruit” first so that he can check off lots of little boxes before going on to the big ones.
Some of the things do take a long time so I will start to tick off a few of them. I think I like to have a mix of long hanging while also making sure I’m getting a start on the things that will take longer.
I don’t know, Melissa, this looks pretty great to me! I love the goals that you have. This reminded me also that I have a whole box of photos I really need to put in albums and I have been putting it off for…eight months? The job just keeps getting bigger and more overwhelming, I HAVE to do this! I’m typing this here so I will be motivated to act on it!
The job of looking sorting and managing photos is a big one. I was surprised how quickly I was able to knock the kids stuff off my list. I probably really only need another hour or so to finish of the third box for S. The photobooks will take a bit longer but I do enjoy looking back at the old photos.
You’re doing great- probably a lot more than if you didn’t have this goal. Look at it this way- you’re checking off items on the list. If it takes more than 1001 days, you’ll still get it all done!
I already plan to roll some things over if I don’t get to them.
I also think this is great progress and it’s happening at a sustainable rate which is key.
I’m curious – are Marion berries (which I’ve never heard of) the same as raspberries? Surely not? But they look so similar.
The photo I took was of some underripe Marion berries. Once they’re ripe they are black and I think are a type of blackberry.
I think you’ve made great progress! And like others have said, you’ve probably done more than you would have if you hadn’t put this list together. That’s something I’m keeping in mind for my 25 and 25 list. I’d love to do everything, but if I don’t, I still will have done more than if I hadn’t made the list!
I usually consider these lists aspirational rather than must do. They are a good prod to get me to do the things that I know I will enjoy/need to do but if some don’t happen I’m always better off I think than if I never made the list at all.
I love these updates. I love going through your original post, too, and looking at all your goals. It’s inspiring!!
You know as a fellow challenge participator I am all for these posts. You are doing so so so much better than I am. I have roughly 4 month left and I am only at 30% or so. Oh well I never expect to tick it all off. Some things will not be checked but I am working towards them. I need to jump back and read through your goals again to find new inspiration.
I think these lists are good because we probably do more than we would if we didn’t have the list. some of the things on my list I will deifnately roll over to my next if I end up not doing them.