"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Good Things Friday

Fri 21.6.2024

  • Our son had his wisdom teeth out, but he also had an extra tooth that was right up in his sinuses, next to his nose so it was a bit more complicated than normal. The operation went well. Gold stars to the surgeon who responded in the evening by text and calling when there was sustained bleeding. He sent through instructions and a prescription and followed up with a phone call to our son. There is a pharmacy open until 9:30 pm, not far from us, so we were able to fill the prescription and follow the treatment, and the bleeding stopped in an hour or so.
  • Our son’s girlfriend came over and will be staying for an undecided amount of time, so she took over the majority of the fussing.
  • Takeout Friday. Enough said.
  • We extended the puzzle board, which meant we could finish putting the edges of our latest puzzle together. I don’t know whether we will still be able to get the angle to get it through our bedroom door, but if we need the full table, we can move the puzzle off down the hallway and leave it temporarily there. We’ve only taped on one side, so we can fold the extra section up or remove it when we don’t need it. We still have enough room on the table to squeeze five of us on the end.

sat 22.6.2024

  • It was a weekend close to home—on purpose, due to our son’s operation—but the last few weekends have been very busy—busy with good things, but busy nonetheless. A day to potter around was what I needed. I spent the day reading, writing some blog posts, doing a bit of gardening, and hanging out with the family.
  • The girls called at 4 p.m. “Could they come over for dinner?” Of course, I said yes, and fortunately, we had enough dinner to go around. We spent some more time working on the puzzle together.

SUN 23.6.2024

  • This is where the week started to go a bit pear-shaped. Hubby took himself off to the ED early in the morning. He got seen, operated on and stayed overnight to get more antibiotics on board. The good thing is it was dealt with thoroughly, and he should steadily recover.
The stunning view out to the Dandenongs from G’s hospital room
  • After dropping a bag at the hospital with a few things G would need overnight, I was driving to church, and a large tree caught my eye. Its yellow leaves were catching the setting sun and shining gold in the light … so, so beautiful. Nature’s beauty never ceases to amaze me.
  • We were leading the Sunday night service, which meant I was leading the Sunday night service. It went well! We had some really good discussions. Our good friend, who had us over for fish lunch a couple of weeks ago and moved to Bayside around the same time we did, came along for the first time.

Mon 24.6.2024

  • Endorphins. The flood after my sprint intervals on the bike was what I really needed.
  • Hubby was discharged in the afternoon.
  • Family dinner + one. Our son’s girlfriend is still hanging out at our place to keep our son company while he recovers.

Tues 25.6.2024

  • Since the days are so short at the moment, even I can manage to get up in time to catch the sunrise and today’s was a beauty. Fifteen minutes after this I got a terrible bout of vestibular migraine, and I thought about this sunrise while I tried to lay perfectly still until the meds kicked in. The migraine pretty much wrote off my day.
  • Masterchef Australia. Once I was over the worst and could get myself out of bed, I watched a few episodes of Masterchef that I’d recorded. Love this show. It’s such feel-good TV. All the contestants and judges support each other even though it’s a competition.
  • A meal in the freezer ready to thaw out for emergencies like today. (Note to self: needs restocking)
  • G led small group, and I managed to join in.

WED 26.6.2024

  • I had an ultrasound to check out some issues I’ve been having to make sure they are just normal perimenopause stuff and not something that needs attention, and it was bulk billed. Yep, no bill for me today. (For my overseas readers, for bulk-billed services the provider bills Medicare, our federally-funded universal health care, directly and we don’t need to pay anything)
  • Hubby and I started watching a new TV show and had a good time laughing at some of the truly stupid things the main character did. It was not supposed to be funny.

Thurs 27.6.2024

  • Double-glazed windows – once we closed them at 2 am, they kept the sound of an alarm on the building site next door that went all night from continuing to disturb our sleep. (I still sleep better with the window open)
  • Jars of fresh yoghurt culturing? (is that a word) in our steam oven. This was a bonus that I didn’t realise we’d get when we decided on a steam oven. It’s a lot easier and more certain than wrapping them in a towel.
  • Our son’s girlfriend insisted they take Riley out for a run off-lead in the park. Neither G or I can run after him at the moment if he misbehaves. Then she took our son out for the day. I think his extroverted personality was needing it.
  • I stumbled upon this bookmarked post Is it slow? Or is it living? by Brooke McAlary which seemed appropriate for my week:
    “Slow living is as much, if not more, about how we meet those days. They may not look slow or beautiful or anything special at all, but they are adding up to a life. They’re the only way we can build one.
    Life is so much more than the special days or the weeks that all our best-laid plans come to fruition. And living? It’s about how we show up in all of it.”

Over to you. How’s your week been?


9 responses to “Good Things Friday”

  1. Well wishes to all the surgery recovering people in your house.
    It sounds like a low key week and yet it seems busy with stuf to do and errands to and taking care of things and people.
    The sunrise is beautiful not so much what followed after.

    1. Thanks Tobia. The sunrise was beautiful and it gave we something lovely to focus on.

  2. Wow what a big week for your family between your husband needing surgery and your son having a complicated wisdom teeth extraction! I hope everyone is on the mend. That puzzle looks epic. I would love to work on that! I haven’t worked on a puzzle in so long. I have a puzzle mat that I can roll up and it works so so. I feel more drawn to puzzles in the winter but did not do one last winter.

    I had a good work trip to DC and got good feedback from the guy I was traveling with. And then last night we moved our youngest out of his crib and onto a twin mattress. I thought it might be an awful transition but he did not come out at all and yelled for me when he woke up this am. So he hasn’t figured out he can actually get out of bed and open the door. I hope that remains the case for awhile!!

    1. Fingers crossed that your son keeps staying in his bed at night. I think some kids don’t feel they need to get out of bed at night, or sleep really soundly. My three all went well on the transition to a big bed. I’m glad your work trip went well. Everyone is on the mend here, and I hope it keeps trending that way.

  3. Gosh, that’s a lot of health stuff this week! I hope your husband is okay.
    My son had his wisdom teeth out last year and it turns out he had an extra wisdom tooth. Isn’t that crazy? So he had five extracted. I guess he’s extra wise.

    1. Our eldest daughter had two extra wisdom teeth. G is getting better every day.

  4. So much medical stuff! Wishing you all the best of luck in recovery.

  5. Oof, wisdom teeth removal (not fun) and an emergency surgery? I hope hubby is ok (although it sounds like it). Speedy recoveries to both of them.

    Are double-glazed windows the same as double-pane? I miss those. We live in an old building with single pane windows and…. let’s not talk about it.

    1. Everyone is recovering well. I’m not sure whether they are the same. Double-glazed have two pieces of glass sandwiched together with a small air gap in the middle. It helps reduce noise and heat transfer.

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