"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Good Things Friday

This week was another one of those weeks. On Tuesday, I woke up with a migraine, and it was also the day of my gynecology appointment. I quickly made sure G could drive me there later in the day and took my vertigo medication to settle the symptoms. I’d been having persistent daily bleeding and didn’t want to put the appointment off. At the appointment, I decided to proceed with the recommended treatment, and the options for getting it done were the next day or the following Wednesday. I was making this decision about 4 pm. I decided to get it over with and got booked in for the following day at 7:30 am. I wavered a little because of the migraine but figured I usually feel crap the day after vertigo, so I may as well be knocked out for a portion of the day and get all the feeling crap over and done with. If the vertigo proceeded to a multi-day affair, at least I only had to make it to the hospital, and then they could deal with me. So Wednesday morning, I had a hysteroscopy, D+C and a Mirena put in, and now I’m hoping that the Mirena doesn’t make my migraines worse.

Moving on to this week’s good things …

Fri 12.7.2024

  • Since we are all either injured, on a post-race rest or non-runners on the house at the moment we had our favourite Indian takeaway for dinner. They have a really economical 4-person pack that we add an extra butter chicken to when we have more people home. G doesn’t like having spicy food the night before a long run so we take our opportunities to have this when we can.
  • Period undies. These have been a life-saver over the last few months. So convenient and comfortable as these things go.

Sat 13.7.2024

  • Our plan was to go down to my parents place at Point Lonsdale to mow the lawn and pick up some mail but I woke up feeling not great for the third day running and so G decided to just head down for the day. He also wanted to have time to do some things at home Sunday. So I stayed home to rest. Whatever the problem was, I felt substabtially better after lunch so that was good, but prior I spent some time doing some research for our trip to France and Spain which I always enjoy.
  • Later in the afternoon, once the rain had cleared up I went for a walk. I strolled through the Kamesburg Gardens, the building is now a campus of Star of the Sea Girls School but the gardens are open to the public. The gardens were planted in the late 1800’s and have many old trees. This one reminded me a bit of the whomping willow in Harry Potter with it’s limbs twisting down to the ground and back up again.

  • While out on my walk I also ticked off a couple of small courts near there in my efforts to walk/run every street in Brighton.

Sun 14.7.2024

  • Since we will not be carrying packs on the Camino, we have decided to wear hiking shoes, but I still wanted waterproof shoes. After our morning of wet sneakers at the Glod Coast marathon, I knew I did not want to wear soggy shoes for a whole day of walking. We spent the morning at Chadstone trying on many pairs of shoes, but I finally found a pair that feels comfortable, waterproof, has a good grip, and is not too heavy. It was good to get these, so I have them to wear as I return to walking again. I hope we can do a few local hikes before we head off.

  • I had a chai oat latte at a different cafe, the one you have to strain this time to see what it was like, and it was good.
  • Rice bowls. I had just a few vegetables in my fridge, but with some rice, canned tuna and condiments from the fridge I managed to rustle up dinner quickly after church without needing a trip to the shops.

MON 15.7.2024

  • This morning, we had our team meeting, mainly for music. My co-leader took charge, and team members came with suggestions to help things run smoothly. We have such a great team of ladies.
  • Afterwards, I dropped off my books at the local library and picked up my reserves. On the display shelves, as I walked past, I saw the Lonely Planet Great Britain, so I picked it up so I could start thinking through what we might do on either side of the London Marathon next year.
  • The weather was cold enough that I could pick some meat up at the butcher and leave it in the car while I went to the gym. Yay for getting all my errands done in one hit.
  • For family dinner, I made Slow-Cooked Pork in the steam oven. It was good, except it didn’t quite get to the pulled stage. The rub was really tasty, so I’ll probably do it again, but adjust the cooking settings.

TUES 16.7.2024

  • G’s flexible work situation so he could alter his plans to drive me to the doctor’s appointment when I had vertigo.
  • I’d never visited the gynaecologist before, but she was lovely and got out her models to explain precisely what was going on.

Wed 17.7.2024

  • The nursing staff were all lovely at the hospital. Efficient and caring.
  • My doctor was once again very caring, to the point of squeezing my hand when they were putting me under, which I didn’t really need, but it’s nice to know she’s considerate like that.
  • I didn’t vomit when I woke up. This is a big thing for me because I always have previously, even when I brought it up with the anaesthetist before going under. When I spoke to the aneasthetist this time I made sure he weas fully across the problem, he also knew I have vestibular migraines which can make you prone to this kind of thing. He said he’d avoid the gas and give me three different anti-nausea medications before I woke up. Whatever he did, it worked!
  • When I woke in recovery, I had low blood pressure, which is the way it generally goes for me. That meant I got to lie in bed eating an icy pole while the Melissa in the bed next to me had to get up and try to use the toilet because she had high blood pressure. I know which remedy I prefer!
  • I recovered quickly and was soon in the lounge eating an avocado and chicken sandwich with my peppermint tea. I went to the toilet, and they cleared me for discharge. I was home by midday.
  • Our veggie box had been delivered.

  • After an afternoon nap, I had a big chat with my mum on the phone and filled her in on all the details. There’s nothing like a chat with Mum.
  • We binge-watched the last three episodes of Shogun. We enjoyed it, but it was hard to remember all the names and their relationships.

Thurs 18.7.2024

  • I was feeling almost back to normal today and able to do some work and walk Riley.
  • Late in the afternoon, my doctor rang to say the pathology results were back and benign and the issues were caused by hormonal imbalances.

How has your week been?


11 responses to “Good Things Friday”

  1. Gosh I hope you’re feeling better. That sounds like a real ordeal.
    I will be so interested to hear your experience on the Camino! It’s something I want to do someday.

    1. I will definately blog about the Camino.

  2. I’m glad you feeling better and were able to get treatment so quickly (and the biopsy came back clear).
    I am so intrigued by period undies; I’ve heard about them from some friends but haven’t looked in to it. Wow, sanitary products have come a LONG way from when I was a teen! (I know they make period bathing suits too).

    Those hiking books look great!

    1. I changed to a cup and period undies for environmental reasons, but found both are so much better then the disposable alternatives. I found the cup had a much bigger capacity than tampons and as long as you managed to get it in properly was pretty much leak free. Unfortunately, I will stop using the cup because there’s a danger of pulling the Mirena out. I think period undies would be a lot better for teens to start with than pads. Depending on flow I think they would last a school day.

  3. I had that same procedure 2 Decembers ago. I was happy to not get sick either. It seems like the options have improved a lot or there are better anti nausea options. I regret not getting the Mirena, though. We thought I couldn’t due to a blood clotting disorder I have but now we found out I could have had it. I have debated having one placed at my OB’s office but I keep putting it off.

    1. That’s a bummer re the Mirena, it would have been much easier when yuo were under anyway.

  4. […] seems to have made my migraines worse and caused irregular and then daily bleeding. Hopefully, the recent procedure will resolve at least the second lot of symptoms. Overlaid with all this, I got a stress fracture […]

  5. The period undies were my life saver too prior to the hysterectomy I had couple of years back. I still use them now when I have my periods and don’t need any other product.
    I am glad you were arable to get a procedure right away and that the biopsy came back negative. Lets hope the migraine will not be triggered by the someones. ( I had to google what exactly the procedure was but I think I figured it out…)

    I was happy to read that the rest of the week had some nice moments though.

    1. Thanks Tobia.

  6. All I have to say is take all the time you need to rest and recoup. Glad the procedure went well! And yay for new shoes, I truly cannot wait to read your updates from Camino.

    1. I’m excited for the Camino. I need to get on and book the trains for our non-walking days.