"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

WITL: Tuesday, May 2nd

6:48 Wake up. Lectio365. Prayer.

Oat, chia seed and hemp seed porridge with maple syrup and banana.

7:20 Get Up. Turn on the steam oven and get dressed while it’s heating. It’s currently 12.5C. Forecast: Top of 19C with a high chance of showers and a possibility of thunderstorms. 90% chance of 5-10mm of rain. Prepare my porridge. While it’s cooking I do my bible reading. Once the porridge is ready I top it with a touch of maple syrup and a banana. Read my morning book.

8:05 Planning. Tidy kitchen, fold washing, put on a load washing. Chat with my son, he’s starting work at 9 am today.

Waiting for coffee at our local favourite. Superrandom.

8:30 Take Riley for a walk. We pick up oat lattes on our way to the park.

9:16 Work. 40 mins of time are spent on the phone with the bank trying to sort out issues with my security device. At least while I’m on hold I can run financial reports for April.

10:57 Log off. Make bed. Pull some chicken out of the freezer for dinner. Dose the citrus trees and veggie seedlings with seasol. Mulch the veggie beds. Something has been chewing on my seedlings. A couple are down to a stalk that will need replacing.

11:31 Work on my son’s primary school photobook. Finish year one journaling. Then I trawl through my old blog for year two stories. I find a few classic stories and also enjoy browsing some of my “On my Weekend” posts. I resolve to get some of these off the blog and into a book. Looking at the photos and reading the stories makes me happy. While I was doing this, it started to rain. I’m glad I got the garden done early.

12:38 Lunch. Two fried eggs on toast with some leftover potato and fennel from last night.

13:09 I planned to vacuum, but Hubby was on an important conference call so I clean out the fridge instead. Cut up the veggies for dinner. Cook up some apples and pears that were rolling around in the crisper.

13:43 Work again.

15:30 Vacuum all the floors. Mop the kitchen.

15:55 Write blog post. Read blogs.

17:10 Get ready to go running. Measure and mix up the ingredients for the stir-fry sauce. Leave instructions with Hubby regarding what he needs to do for dinner.

17:25 I’m driving to our daughter’s place in Hawthorn then running from there to Xavier for our running club’s session.

This traffic is why we don’t drive to Xavier. It’s almost quicker to run, and then at least we are warmed up and ready for the session.

18:05 The traffic is pretty bad tonight so my daughter rings me when I’m nearly there to see if she meets me out on the street to save time. I step out of the car, and it starts to rain. Once at Xavier, I run a couple of laps of the ovals to make it 3km.

Normally we’d be in the dark but there were people there inspecting the oval. I’m just finishing off my warm-up as the pre-training talk gets started. News and then an explanation of the session.

18:30 There is a good number of people out despite the weather, although we all have a good whinge about the conditions. The session tonight is 10 min threshold, 3 mins standing recovery, 3 x 3 min a bit faster with 1 min jog recoveries, 2 x 1 min out and back fastest, with 1 min standing recoveries. During the session, the rain gets even heavier, and at one point I can hardly see with the rain on my glasses. We finish, and I’m at 7.8km, so by the time we get back to my daughter’s place we’ll have done 10km, which is what I’d planned.

19:30 Back in the car and drive home.

20:00 Jump straight in the shower once I get home. Foam rolling. Heat up my dinner.

20:26 Eat my dinner in front of the TV, watching the second half of Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. So ridiculous and hilarious … love it.

21:29 NYT puzzles. Read book.

23:15 Bed.


4 responses to “WITL: Tuesday, May 2nd”

  1. Love me some oatmeal with chia! I also add flax seeds. Thanks for a glimpse into your life, I hope the weather improved in your part of the world.

    1. I have some flax seeds (although they’re called linseed here). I might have to try them in my porridge.

  2. I would definitely have a good whinge about that weather, too! Eek! It sounds like you had a good day!

    1. Thanks, yes. although the weather was awful, the runner’s high afterwards made up for it.