Life has been frustrating lately. I feel like the last three months have been one niggly health issue after another. No one thing has been serious but I feel like I’m constantly losing days to various ailments. On Tuesday I had one of the worst bouts of vertigo in years. It came on very suddenly around lunchtime and necessitated some crawling on the floor (to avoid falling), sitting on the bathroom floor unsure whether I was going to vomit and a couple of tears of frustration/self-pity. The worst was that I couldn’t even lie down because that set my head spinning violently and it did not settle in that position. After an hour or so I was able to lie on my right side without feeling too bad (some mild head spinning and nausea). I managed to get up and eat a small dinner then went straight back to bed, lying on my right side. Around midnight I was finally able to lie on my back and a few hours later on my left side. By Wednesday morning I was able to function but my head felt awful. Thursday was a bit better and today I managed to go to PT, although I’m feeling very tired and a bit like I have travel sickness (not nauseous just the unsteady head feeling). It’s a public holiday today so I had a lie down after I got home from PT.
On a more positive note, today is the “Friday before the AFL Grand Final”. A few years ago our premier made it a public holiday. Yes, it is the most ridiculous public holiday ever, but I’ll take it. The Grand Final parade is held this morning in the city and the weather is glorious so I’m guessing it’s probably a bit crazy in there at the moment. We are taking advantage of the public holiday by meeting the kids in the city later today to celebrate our middle child’s birthday. Other than that I’ll just be pottering around, walking Riley and getting whatever rest I need.
On the topic of AFL, my husband barracks for Collingwood and they are playing in the grand final tomorrow. His friend has organised tickets which include breakfast tomorrow morning at 7:30 am so he’ll probably be out all day tomorrow. The weather is forecast to be 29C which is pretty hot for this time of year. Unfortunately, that will favour the other team, the Brisbane Lions, because they are used to training and playing in hotter weather. The weather will also probably lead to a lot more drunken and sunburnt spectators. Richmond and the city will be going off tomorrow night.
In between the vertigo bouts (the latest was only two weeks after the previous one), I’ve been making some progress on my 101 Things. We have a family birthday celebration tonight, I’m considering doing one of my internet-free days tomorrow, we had a friend join our family dinner on Monday night (small gathering) and I went to a talk at the library that I’ll share some more about later.
Do you have a ridiculous public holiday where you live? Any plans for the weekend?
3 responses to “A little catchup”
Oh goodness, your vertigo sounds horrific! Is that what the PT is for? I had PT for my vertigo (which sounds very different from yours), and it has helped a lot.
I don’t think we have any plans this weekend, which is a pretty good feeling. I want to go to the Farmers Market for some fruits and vegetables, but that’s it for planning.
In Aus, PT means Personal training, this was a 3:1 session doing weights in the gym. I have seen a physio re the vertigo and learned the movements to try to settle the vertigo down.
Weekends without any plans can feel so luxurious!
Ugh that sounds awful- and vertigo is tricky to fix because it could be caused by all sorts of different things. I hope you’re feeling all better now.
Offhand I can’t think of any ridiculous holidays, but I have some I’d like to propose, including “Superbowl Monday.” Everyone gets so excited about the Superbowl, but it’s on a SUNDAY NIGHT, which means there’s school and work the next day! I can’t ever really enjoy it fully. Having that Monday off would be amazing.