A few times a month, I still see someone (usually a 30-40 y.o. woman in athletic gear) hit the pedestrian button with their foot. OK, so you don’t want to touch the button with your hand—use your elbow, knee or any other body part. Do they ever think about the people who will touch it after they have transferred the roadside filth off the bottom of their shoe onto the button?
This rant is courtesy of the woman who used her foot to push the button on the corner of North Rd and New St this morning.
Do you see people pushing the button with their foot where you live? Do you use your hand or another part of your body to push the pedestrian button?
15 responses to “A Pandemic Habit that Needs to Go”
If I ever saw an American do this, I would just be so impressed with their fitness level. It would be more notable to me that they were physically able to do this feat than that it was disgusting. I’ve never seen it, though.
I’ve seen it, and I agree, it’s rude. What’s wrong with your elbow, people?!?!
Noooo, what the heck. I’ve never seen someone do this, but we camp at a provincial park every summer, and there are always signs up asking people not to use their feet to flush the toilets because it damages the mechanism. Again, I understand not wanting to touch the flush handle – except aren’t you going to exit the bathroom and immediately wash your hands? Because I am. And there are like six toilets for a very large number of people, and having any non-functional is really unpleasant.
Wait, WHAT. I haven’t seen that, but it’s SO WRONG. You don’t want to use your hand-fine. But there are other body parts to use! A foot is just rude.
Who pushes the button with their foot?? I’ve always only used my elbow! (Still do.)
Oh I have seen it but I am not sure it was mid / post pandemic. It might have been before even.
That sad it is no fun coming after. But I am sure there are worth things we don’t know and I hope I never get to know.
I have never ever seen this! I am definitely not flexible enough to pull this off myself, so don’t worry about finding me doing it. It seems awkward and very, very uncomfortable…!
Keep going with your yoga and you’ll soon be there … I mean being able to hit the button with your foot … not actually doing it.
Yikes, you have got to be kidding me? They do what? How disgusting is that? And yes, like you said, transferring heaven alone knows what from their shoe onto the button for others to touch later.
I know, right?
I have never seen this! Like NGS, I would be kind of impressed with the person’s flexibility. I don’t get why they wouldn’t use their elbow! It seems kind of unnecessary. But I have young kids in school/daycare so I live in a petri dish. Pushing a button on a walk sign is the least of my concerns when my youngest is constantly licking things and putting toys in his mouth!!
Yep, elbow or knee or anything else would be preferable. Our walk buttons are about waist height so not too bad to hit. I do not worry about touching the walk button either, but would prefer there just to be the normal touchpoint germs rather than whatever is on the road/footpaths.
[…] I’m generally a very optimistic person, and you’ll see that this blog is mainly about good things. Despite all the chaos in our world, its beauty still manages to take my breath away on a regular basis. I enjoy reading, eating good food and wine, nature, spending time with friends and family, and travelling. I try to pay attention and notice “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Philippians 4:8). That doesn’t preclude the occasional whinge or a rant. […]
What in the actual heck?? No, never seen that. LOL Funny but sad.
I’ve not seen this — but agreed, quite rude, and just bringing more gross stuff into the equation.