Category: Home
In the Garden August 2023
I pottered around the garden today and marvelled at how much more pleasant it is to garden in mild weather. Even though it is still officially winter here we are having a spring weather day so at least for today I didn’t come back into the house with freezing hands. I even had lunch outside…
In the Garden July 2023
The garden is growing pretty slowly at the moment with the cooler weather, although my peas are a bit wild. The cages keep getting blown crooked in the wind. It’s hard to see from here, but they are varieties that have beautiful pink and purple flowers. I’ve harvested a small bowl of veggies each week…
In the Garden April 2023
The garden continues to grow well. Some of the lilly pillys are only about 30cm off the top of the fence. The pond area, which was partially dug up by our dog this month, looks to be surviving. The plants that I had to dig out of the pile of dirt survived, and it looks…
Bi-Yearly Wardrobe Check-Up Part 2
My four drawers contain: This is my drawer of sports clothes. I usually run four times and do a session of gym and pilates a week. My running-specific bottoms all have decent-sized pockets to carry my phone and fuelling on longer runs Hanging on a hook in our hallway: Running cap The next drawer down…
Friday Thoughts #12
What? Is it already Friday? It was Anzac Day on Tuesday, and Hubby took Monday off so we could get some jobs done around the home. We had a big box of bits and pieces from the various appliances installed in the apartment, and we went through that to work out what we needed to…
My Bi-yearly Wardrobe Check-Up Part 1
A few years ago, I started doing bi-yearly wardrobe check-ups, once in spring and once in autumn, which means I was due one this month. While my wardrobe isn’t as minimalist as Elisabeth’s, I try to run a fairly tight ship. This was by choice previously, but now that we’ve moved into an apartment, this…
In the Garden March 2023
Everything is growing well in the garden. I haven’t yet lost any plants, except the seeds that didn’t succeed in the veggie gardens. One disappointing aspect of the gardens planted by the landscapers were the lack of trailing plants in the the concrete planter boxes. They really needed some softening when we moved in. I’m…
My Butterfly Dilemma
When I was thinking about what I wanted from our garden before we moved in, one thing that I listed was to include plantings that would support or enhance the biodiversity in our area … well, the critters have moved in. I’m pretty sure these are the caterpillars of the Dainty Swallowtail Butterfly. They are…
In the Garden February 2023
There’s been a few changes in the garden since last month. I finished the planting in the main beds with mainly a mix of indigenous and native Australian plants, with mainly purple/blue, yellow and white coloured flowers. I’ve also included a mix of leaf colours and forms for year-round interest. I’m looking forward to the…
Looking Backward, Looking Forward – January 2023
Reviewing my progress in January, setting my intentions for February: I spent a couple of weeks with my parents at their house in Point Lonsdale. The girls also stayed down until mid-January. My siblings we down with their families for some of the time too. The summer holidays are usually when we spend the most…