A post about my week. Random thoughts and things that are happening.
I’m progressing through the unpacking; most of the boxes are unpacked. Today’s project is the laundry. I’m hoping to get everything off the bench and into the cupboards. After that, the pantry. Everything is in but not in any sensible order. This Sunday, we have my family coming for early Christmas drinks before my sister and her family go to New Zealand, and we should have the apartment entertaining ready.
We needed to quickly install a patch of lawn for our dog Riley to do his business on, and it looked like it might be a problem. The first date for lawn delivery we could get was January 5th. We contacted Bunnings, and they couldn’t tell us exactly when delivery would be coming; they don’t take orders, and it got snapped up quickly whenever it arrived. On Monday, Hubby rang one of the local Bunnings to check, and they’d just got a delivery, so we quickly drove down. Since we could only fit half of what we needed in the car, I stayed behind to guard the second trolley.

Fortunately, by the time Hubby got back to our place, our son was back from his job interview (he got it!) and helped unload the car and laid the first lot while Hubby came to pick up the rest of the grass. We got it all laid out, and Riley is back with us. He had been staying at my daughter’s place.

After a few low mileage weeks due to the move, I’m on track to have a +40km week of running. On Tuesday, I ran along the coast track and saw a Superb Fairy Wren and a tortoise. The tortoise was highly unusual. I have no idea where it might have come from, and was in a precarious position on the track, on a blind corner for oncoming cyclists. I quickly tucked itself in its shell when I stopped to take a photo.

I will need to practice taking deep breaths now we are living in an apartment. Someone had filled the general waste bin with cardboard. The empty recycling bin was three steps too far for them. You would think we don’t have a waste problem.
I’m sure we will do things that require others to take three deep breaths, but I will attempt to minimise them. Living in an apartment block is undoubtedly different to having a stand-alone property. Our actions will tend to impact our neighbours more. So far, we’ve met three other occupants in the building. We’re a block of nine.
9 responses to “Friday Thoughts #1”
“Reading my book while guarding our grass.”
For some reason this picture both warmed my heart and made me laugh. Such an adult thing to do, and I LOVE that you had a book along.
Yay for lots of running miles this week. Both kids are home sick with a very nebulous illness (no fever, cough, vomit…but generally feeling “unwell.”). It has been a week for my son and I am SO TIRED! Somehow this weird not-really-a-sickness-sickness has not triggered my deep nurturing response. Most of the other kids out sick (which happens to be most of his class) have had high fevers or a bad cough. I’m thrilled he isn’t very sick…but he’s just sick enough he can’t go to school. And UGH!!!! My body is so restless because I’ve just been fitting in my one km daily walk and barely more than that. Maybe I’ll force myself into a treadmill run today. I know ever a few km would feel great!!
Love the wildlife you spotted on the run, too. I always consider those little breadcrumbs from God to inspire and delight!
Hopefully you’ll be able to get out soon. I hate running on a treadmill, I’ve only ever done it when travelling.
Turtle!! It’s so cute. We live in a swampy area and regularly come across them on our walks in warmer weather. I LOVE seeing them in the wild.
Riley is beautiful! Look at the gorgeous tail. So much sass in one appendage!
Yes, Riley’s loves to hold his tail up high like a flag.
I’m curious about the grass/apartment combination…I don’t think I’ve ever had an apartment where I could have grass. Do you put it in low containers on a patio for your dog? Great that your son got the job, congratulations!
We have a ground-floor apartment with a big courtyard garden. So there is actual dirt in that section. Council regulations here require a certain amount a deep earth for an apartment block.
Oh, that makes total sense! Best floor to be on in an apartment building, if you have a dog. 🙂
That’s so funny that you were trying to buy grass so your dog would have a place to do his business. Is this for emergencies when you just have to let him out? I am sure he goes on walks and does his business there?
Yay for more miles. I’ve been slacking a bit the last two weeks and need to start getting outside again.
The grass is for most of his doggie business. He goes on walks each day but usually not to go to the toilet. We have a big outdoor area, so he spends a bit of time out there. If we aren’t home, he will be outside.