Inspired by Elisabeth. … and by Paul—”Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things,”— to engage in more regular appreciation of all the good things.
A long overdue catch-up with my good friend
The Melbourne Marathon was held on Sunday. I didn’t run, but I got to hang out for a few hours with a good friend who moved to Tasmania last year. It was so good catching up. Afterwards, she sent me the most beautiful text of appreciation for our friendship and urged me to stay in touch. That is a big YES from me. We are planning to catch up when my husband and I go to Tasmania next February.

My friend has struggled with chronic fatigue and migraines off and on and we got chatting about my recent issues. She told me that doctors had found that some types of chronic fatigue can be helped by increasing your hydration, but it needed to be with electrolytes, not plain water. I had been monitoring my water intake to try to have around two litres a day but after hearing this I’ve included my low-glucose sports electrolyte drink in the mix and I feel like it has helped increase my energy levels and reduce my headaches. I’m going through a lot of the hydration mix so I’m going to refill our maple syrup at the Bullk store and try using Dr Tracy Sims hydration recipe of 1/16 tsp salt and tsp maple syrup per 16oz of water for most of the day.

My tomatoes are nearly ready to plant
I potted up my tomato seedlings and they should be ready to harden off and plant in the garden before I leave next Friday. They’ve been sitting on the floor near a sunny window in our kitchen for a number of weeks now and it will be good to finally get them planted.
Good Family Friends
I went to the funeral of a friend of my family on Wednesday. Although we hadn’t seen as much of him in the last few years, he and his wife were a big part of my childhood and teenage years. He was an eccentric Frenchman and you never really knew what he might say next. He loved to make jokes and do all sorts of things to entertain us. We also spent lots of time visiting their farm. The funeral was held in Taralgon which is a two-hour drive but I wanted to honour their place in my life. Having good family friends who had time for us kids really enriched our childhood, so shoutout to all the adults investing in the lives of families.

Our rhubarb plants are getting overgrown so I need to eat (or give away) a decent amount of it before we go away. I want to give it room to keep growing. I made this rhubarb compote yesterday to eat on my morning porridge and it is so easy. The rhubarb is baked which removes the necessity to keep watching it on the stove and the very likely possibility of it catching on the bottom when I get distracted with something else.
**I plan to do a cute graphic for these posts but didn’t want the lack of time to do on, stop me from actually recording the good things. That will be a post-holiday job.
How about you? Share in the comments your good things or link me up to a post.
6 responses to “Good Things Friday”
Argh. I accidentally shut down the tab before I hit Post comment.
Love this!!! And love that verse – such a great reminder.
I’m so curious about that hydration recipe; most seem to be so complicated, but this is really just salt and maple syrup?! Can you e-mail me to confirm. I have a lot of fatigue issues and am starting to get more headaches, so I am VERY curious about this. I drink a lot of normal water, but nothing with electrolytes so I’m intrigued.
You’ve read my Happy Things Friday so you know about my Good Things 🙂
What a beautiful sunset! It really has made my day better. I am an early riser and one of my joys is getting to often see the sun rise. I cherish it!
I love this idea of focusing on the good, as many weeks my life is mudane or seemingly bad, and rounding up the good things really puts things into perspectiive. I love hearing that your tomatoes are ready to plant as at first I had to do a double take and then of course remembered that you are in a different season of life than I am 🙂
My favorite part of last week was seeing my friend’s kids and their joy about their Halloween costumes! I am a grinch sometimes and it is good to see the joy of the kids and to remember being there and loving this season!!
Yes ,kids can really help us see the joy in things. They have a very unique perspective.
A gorgeous sunset!!!
1. I works 3 minutes from the most beautiful nature reserve (Watchung Reservation)
2. Seeing a good friend after a long time
3. Pumpkin flavored coffee milk
4. Weather! Crisp and sunny
5. ALL the fall smells!
6. Friday night with the kids- made a smorgasbord and watched Encanto the movie.
7. Boogieman- a movie based on S. King’s story (sans kids)
Yes to all of these, apart from the last—too scary for me.
I am intrigued by that hydration recipe! I usually have at least one tab of NUUN electrolytes when I work out and then often a magnesium tab as well. I am glad that the hydration is helping you.
I am also so excited you were able to catch up with a friend. It’s so important to keep in touch and make these meet-ups happen with people we want in our lives!