"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Good Things Friday

Look closely and you’ll spot the Rainbow Lorikeet feasting on these beautiful flowers covering a tree on my way to the park.

I know NaBloPoMo is finished but it’s Friday and I just had to do a good things post.


If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ll know I’ve been travelling for a month which was exciting, fascinating, awesome, but it’s also good to be home. I love to see new places and experience new things, try all the food, and take all the photos, but it was still lovely to settle back into home this week. Sleeping in my own bed, relaxing in my big, beautiful bath and simple, home-cooked meals.


While we were away, we relied on public transport and our feet to get around, even in the cold and sometimes pouring weather. I usually walk a lot when I’m home anyway, and I don’t love driving, but on Wednesday, I had to go to the doctor, and the weather was windy and rainy. I would generally have got in the car, but I thought, why not put my coat on and get out my umbrella … the temperature was much milder than in Germany anyway. By walking, I had the joy of not one but two unexpected encounters with new friends from the Alpha course. On my way, I crossed paths with Postie J (we met at Alpha, but he’s also our postman) and had a quick catch-up. After my appointment, I was walking past a local cafe, and I heard a knock, knock, knock on the window. Waving at me with a big grin was M, another Alpha participant. I went in and perched on the stool next to her, and we had a delightful chinwag. She is the most sunny person I know, and I left there with a big smile on my face.


I also decided to pop into the op shop after the doctor to see if I could find some puzzles. There were no 2000-piece puzzles which are our preferred size but I got a 1500-piece that hadn’t been opened and a 1000-piece with a scene from Amsterdam that should be a nice quick one. I am also a bit low on T-shirts for summer, so I picked up a mint green one in my size.

Dinner with the Girls

On Wednesday night, the girls came over to have dinner and dropped Riley back home. It was great seeing them again and returning to our usual routine. My eldest, H, had also been trawling the op shops for puzzles and had picked up a 1500-piece and a 3000-piece. Now, a 3000-piece will not fit on my special board that I can move under the bed if we have people over but H insisted we get the puzzle roll out and see if it would fit that. It turns out it fits, and so we are making the 3000-piece puzzle. The three of us have a good system going now. We start by finding as many edges as possible, and then we each pick a part of the edge to make. After we’ve got most of the edges done, we pick a section to work on each. H always picks the sky. I’ve been working on the fence and the red trees and S has been doing the building and the path.


I think that I can declare that in spite of being around E constantly while he had a cold and then sitting next to and in front of people who were obviously sick on the plane from Singapore to Melbourne, I have managed not to catch anything.


While I was away, I only had two migraine-type headaches, and only one of them also came with a mild case of vertigo. Both were after overindulging foods that I think might be triggers for me, so that is a positive improvement for me. Both times, they subsided before I needed to leave the house for our planned activities. I’m counting that as a win.

How’s your week been? Do you have some good things to share … or some things to whinge about … feel free to share in the comments.


4 responses to “Good Things Friday”

  1. 3,000 pieces! I would curl up in a ball and cry.

    1. THere’s three of us working on it so only about 1000 pieces each.

  2. I am so glad you didn’t catch anything from anybody… that’s no small feat when you travel internationally. I hope you stay healthy.

    Oh wow, and a 3000-piece puzzle. That’s a commitment.

    1. I am amazed that I cdidn’t pick anything up the whole trip. There were always lots of coughing people of transport. My eldest daughter loves a challenge and would always choose a bigger puzzle.