"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

Good Things Friday

Finishing this post this morning, I realised I have no photos for it; in fact, I didn’t take any photos for the whole week.

Fri 6.9.2024

  • The street trees are starting to bud. They look so pretty.
  • I finished off The Ministry of Time today. I really enjoyed it.
  • My massive container of protein powder. I was a bit embarrassed buying it, but if I’m going to buy something in plastic, I’m getting the biggest container I can. I should last me a while.
  • We went back to our favourite Indian takeaway for takeout Friday, and it was good. We’ve tried a few local Indian restaurants but none can beat Roti Boti’s taste and price.

SAT 7.9.2024

  • We joined our running club at the Tan this morning, and various workouts were happening. I did a run/walk, G did an easy 10K, others did a two-lapper, and then we all met for breakfast at the usual cafe.
  • We went to Chadstone, mainly to look, but we also got the car washed and since we had a bit of time to kill, stopped at the fancy chocolate shop and had a chocolate milkshake. I’m enjoying having dairy again and still don’t seem to be having any issues so I think I’m all good for now.

Sun 8.9.2024

  • We went to morning church today for the special 90th birthday celebrations. Our son also came along (he normally attends our old church) to offer his expertise in the sound department with a little issue they were having.
  • We hadn’t been home from church for long when the girls rocked up for some puzzling. We also took Riley for a walk to the park. He actually behaved today and didn’t mount any of the other dogs.
  • We are using a tour company to organise the logistics for the Camino portion of our trip in October. We received the final itinerary today with all the hotel details—exciting!
  • We were leading the evening service and it went well again.
  • I made this Lemon Chicken Chickpea Soup for dinner. It was good, but I added a couple of celery stalks and some silverbeet from my garden because I felt like the original recipe needed more veggies.

Mon 9.9.2024

  • We had another successful week of me being the upfront person at mainly music (leading the singing and actions for preschoolers and their adults). I can do it, but I don’t love it, and I’m just glad there haven’t been any major fails. One more week until the end of term!
  • We line-dried the sheets and towels today—summer is coming!
  • The girls and I broke through the most difficult part of the puzzle we were working on. From now on, it should be fairly straightforward.

Tues 10.9.2024

  • It was a gorgeous spring day today, so we walked Riley to the dog beach, where he had a paddle in the water.
  • I made taco fried rice tonight. It was so easy, tasty, and a winner with the family.

Wed 11.9.2024

  • I get Nick Cave’s The Red Hand Files weekly in my inbox. This week, instead of answering reader’s questions, he asked the question: “I have a full life. A privileged life. An unendangered life. But sometimes the simple joys escape me. Joy is not always a feeling that is freely bestowed upon us, often it is something we must actively seek. In a way, joy is a decision, an action, even a practised method of being. It is an earned thing brought into focus by what we have lost – at least, it can seem that way. My question is, where or how do you find your joy?” I guess these posts are part of my “practised method of being” joyful?
  • Wednesdays are now the days I’ve allocated to personal admin and projects. After I’d done all the boring admin, I had a good chunk of time to make some plans for our trip to Europe, which is now only 16 days away.

Thurs 12.9.2024

  • I met with a friend from church to catch up and pray together this morning. At the end, we made plans to meet again in two weeks time.
  • We had some leftover roast lamb, so I made the “old school left-over lamb curry,” which I hadn’t made for ages. G commented on how good it tasted. I had to remind him to leave plenty for E, who was getting home from work late.
  • We’ve been watching Ted Lasso, and I’m loving it. So funny and a feel-good show. We finished the first season tonight.

How has your week been? What’s been your favourite meal, TV show or read this week?


7 responses to “Good Things Friday”

  1. Love all these good things. Your trip is coming so soon!
    And I think it is so sweet how every week includes puzzles. Your family has found such a great anchoring activity!

  2. So many happy things this week.

    I deep dived into my training as AI Manager and also attended a two day conference.
    But I think my favorite things:
    – a talk with my sister even though it was a sad reason
    – husband coming home after business trip
    – amazing truffle ravioli at my sisters birthday dinner

    1. You are really embracing your extra training. I’m glad you had good times with the poeple you love.

  3. The first season of Ted Lasso was my favorite! The last season was my least favorite but now I hear there will be a 4th season so maybe they will redeem the show!

    Last week was so intense at work between some client events and a lot of zoom meetings. My best meal was so Mexican with a colleague that was in Charlotte, NC for the same client events. It was nice to catch up with her over delicious food.

    1. We are now watching season 2 of Ted Lasso, so will have to see how it goes. I hope this week is a bit more chill. I love Mexican food, and yes it is always fantastic to catch up with people over a good meal.

  4. I love the Nick caves’ quote. When I write posts about glimmers, they help me to ground myself and show me that life is still beautiful in spite of difficulties that may arise once in a while. The start of school was rough for us, with my fender-bender, solo parenting and then the passing of my cat but we all are still healthy, we all have good jobs, a house, and will miss her dearly.

    1. I know, you had the worst start to school. I agree, noticing some good things helps remind us that everything isn’t bad.

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