This is my weekly look at what is good, true, beautiful and lovely … but first, WTF??? We decided to turn off The Project last night when they started the segment analysing what it would mean for Australia if Trump implemented all his policies. We figured it was better to wait and see what he implements rather than stressing prematurely. I don’t understand how he could be considered the better economic manager. His policies are clearly inflationary—and that’s what the people are moaning about the most. Unfortunately, the wreckage will not be confined to the US, and the rest of us literally have no say in the matter … GRRR! Oh, and of course, Wall Street probably rallied because they see Trump as a license to rape and pillage, while misogynists everywhere probably see his election as a green light for further arseholery. I’m sorry to all my US friends that you will have to deal with him for at least another four years. Here are some things to distract you.
Look at this … my purple flags are flowering. They only last for a month or so. I love them so much. I hope I can divide some of them and spread them further around the garden

… and look here: a pretty butterfly

Overall, we’ve had a good week here. Tuesday was Melbourne Cup Day, a public holiday. A lot of people take Monday if they can to have a four-day weekend, but G was working, and I had mainly music. Saturday night, we had my son’s 21st birthday party. He had a small group of friends from church, plus some family. He works in production for a number of companies but the boss of the small one he has a permanent part-time position with said he could use the warehouse and some equipment, as long as he took some photos for their insta. I think E enjoyed devising his plan and setting up almost as much as he enjoyed the actual party. He built a big U truss to build the party area on and then rigged a second truss above to shine lights onto the material ceiling. He added four screens for a scrolling photo slide show and Mariokart games. I don’t have many photos, but this gives you an idea. The 21 on the back wall was synchronised with the music. The food was pizza and HSP, followed by cake and fruit as well as the requisite chips and lollies.

On Sunday, we went back and helped him clean up. Luckily, his boss wanted him to keep the U truss assembled and hung for his company Christmas party, but everything else needed disassembling. I learnt how to unplug lights and sound equipment (each type of cord has its own trick to release it) and had plenty of practice winding cables. E’s good friend helped him with both the setup and the pack up; the friend occasionally does some work for the company and does tech at church, so he knows what he’s doing. E’s girlfriend patiently ran all over the place, helping him buy all the bits and pieces of clothing he needed for Saturday night that he’d left at home. Saturday night, after my parents and sister’s family had left, the girls and I stayed and played some board games with E and his friends. So much fun! G and I are so happy that E has such good friends. They stick by each other and help each other out a lot.
Sunday morning we had breakfast with one of our friends from running. I drove there because I wasn’t running while G ran there. It was a lovely catchup, but I’m a bit sad. He’s moving to Brisbane because his wife has a new job there. It is fantastic for them, but we’ll miss them.
As I said, Tuesday was a public holiday. Our running group has a traditional Cup Day Canter at the Tan. It’s a handicap race with one lap around the Tan. I didn’t participate, instead doing 22 minutes of walk/running. H and S met us, H to walk Riley and S to do her run. It was the most stunning morning. It was sunny, with no wind, and shaping up for mid-20s later in the day. After the race there were presentations and a picnic. I took Sweet Potato Kale Superhero Muffins from the Rise & Run book, which has 12 eggs (so about 1 egg per muffin), making them an excellent post-run breakfast on-the-go option.
In. the afternoon, we went to a friend from the running group’s house for an early dinner and to watch The Cup (which didn’t go to plan due to being on the wrong TV station at 3 pm), but we used catchup to watch it. Such an exciting race, it ended up a photo finish. The TV channel fiasco promises to give us good fodder for some light-hearted ribbing of our host for some time. There was a fabulous spread for dinner. I took this Broccoli, date and pistachio salad, which, under my watch, became a broccoli, cranberry and hazelnut salad—it was all I had in the cupboard. It all got eaten and is a good option for taking places because you can dress it when you make it and don’t have to worry about it going soggy.
Some other good things:
- We finished watching the Season 2 of The Diplomat. The twist at the end was a doozy!
- After all the salads we ate in Spain, G has been keen to have more salads for lunch, which I’m very happy about because he wasn’t eating enough vegetables before.
- I had a big, long catch-up on the phone with my friend yesterday. We were both coincidentally in Paris at the same time so we had a lot of catching up to hear about each other’s holidays.
- We’ve had a bit more warm weather this week, and I’m loving it. I washed all the bedding. I normally do the sheets once a week and the mattress, pillow protectors, and blankets every eight weeks. It’s much easier to get everything dry when a warm north wind blows. I even thought I might have my first beach day, but the cold front came through mid-afternoon and dropped the temperature.
- My neighbour looked after one of my indoor plants while I was away (I only have one that needs watering more frequently than once a month), and it looks really good.
- Riley hopped into his kennel when it was raining, and he was waiting to be let inside—he’s getting smarter.
- Chai latte. It’s a good alternative to coffee while I’m off it. However, I would like to test having the occasional coffee at a time of the month when I’m less likely to get migraines to see if it triggers one.
- NaBloPoMo. I’m enjoying all the posts and new to me blogs.
Have you been watching any good TV lately? Do you have good neighbours? Do you have a go-to dish to take to picnics and BBQs? What’s been lifting your spirit?
16 responses to “Good Things Friday”
We do have nice neighbors! My go-to dishes for picnics and potlucks = tollhouse cookies or cilantro-bean dip & tortilla chips. This week in the states has been chaotic and we are still trying to comprehend what is happening. So I have been working in my art journal cutting out painted papers and making collages. It is very good for my brain! I like that you are bringing back food ideas influenced by your travels — love when that happens! As your weather turns warmer, we are gently approaching fall in Texas and a few leaves are changing color but evenings are crisp and cool and a nice change. Good luck with NaBloPoMo, this is my first try!
Hi Tammy, and welcome. It seems like cookies and dip are go-tos for picnics/potlucks. I can imagine making collages would be quite relaxing, almost meditative.
“while misogynists everywhere probably see his election as a green light for further arseholery” I fear you are not far from the truth on that one…
I have sipped three cups of chai yesterday and loved it so so much. I am thinking of making this more in the coming cold days. Need to stock up in chai tea though.
The rigging E did looks great. As a former event manager I can see the beauty here. So is it in the companies warehouse or your home? I am a bit confused because you said you were hosting but maybe that doesn’t mean at your home.
That butterfly picture is beautiful!
We have mostly amazing neighbours. Unfortunately, a neighbourhood situation has literally changed my life forever…but the last few months have seen a dramatic and unexpected change that is making it a lot less intrusive into daily life. Still, I could never, ever have imagined how deeply one could be impacted by their neighbours! As I tell some people, I’ve spent $1,000s of dollars in therapy bills to get through to the other side (hopefully), but I can also see that I have learned a lot and feel like God has really shown me some deep and powerful things throughout the experience.
This is an excellent list and I hope that it does get warm enough for you to go swimming soon! I was in Sydndey for NYE one year and it was over 40C! I think that is a little too hot, but I do love those sunny beach days!
So, funny because of my last post about Kiwis and differences and stuff, but I had to look up HSP as I had never heard of it, nor have I tried it. Also, you said keen! 🙂
Happy things for me this week were a few days of glorious sunshine after about a week of rain, some kitties to hang out with (I am pet sitting) and a few runs lately after not really running at all this year. It is nice to get those running muscles back in action (but wow, have they weakened. I was sore from a 5 mile run when I used to be able to run 20x that before)!
I’m so sorry to the rest of the world. We Americans have really let you down.
We feel bad for our neighbours to the south, but fear we will suffer some ill effects, with the US being our biggest trade partner. I saw something the other day too, about Canada and the US – when the US coughs, Canada gets the cold. We’ve got similar right wing sentiments up here who are now emboldened. I try not to think about it too much.
Oh, and the Diplomat – we just discovered it and saw episode 1 a couple of days ago. I am absolutely hooked, I love Kerry Russell and am really enjoying Rufus Sewell – I’ve only seen him in bad guy British roles, and so far he’s hilarious.
Luckily only 5.3% of out exports go to the US. I hope yuo enjoy it, we have.
Yes, in addition to everything else, I have to cringe in humiliation every time Trump does… anything. Is there another planet we can move to?
But happy things go on! It’s good to focus on them. I also love Chai tea. And I’m loving NaBLoPoMo! I think I’m enjoying it more this year than any other.
I’m enjoying NaBloPoMo this year too.
Every work conversation included a discussion of the results of the election so it’s a real downer for me. It is hard to believe people think prices will decline under Trump. The only that that will result in deflation is a recession and no one should hope for that. But most don’t understand economics. It’s a confusing concept so I have some compassion for people who were led astray but I still shudder to think that most voting Americans thought he was the better alternative.
My good things were my 2 days off. Although o paid for it and had 7 meetings today and so many things on my to do list on Monday and then I leave for another trip on Tuesday.. a
Love the photos and love the idea of doing a Good Things post, maybe on Sundays for me? I think we’re all going to be wanting to write one of these each week giving what happened this week in the States. I think it caught everyone off guard. All we can do is make our small corner of the world a better place to live in filled with positivity where we can find it.
Happy bleated 21st to your son. It sounds like a great way to celebrate. I don’t watch much TV either. My post today references part of the issue – I never know what’s on and it seems like I hear of good things to watch, but then I either don’t have the streaming service or I can’t find it. I miss the days of regular TV.
I usually make pumpkin bread to take places or my choc chip cookies, but I also make a lot of 7 layer taco dip. It’s a crowd pleaser that I could whip up in my sleep. Recently I wrote about how I brought it on a plane in checked luggage. It survived the trip.
Unfortunately, we don’t have great neighbors. Both Coach’s and my parents had wonderful social circles built largely around their neighbors. We have a couple of nut jobs that live across the street in every direction (we are on the corner). People directly next door to us our very nice, but our paths don’t cross often.
We had a great time tailgating at Notre Dame yesterday. It was a ton of work and for that – I’m glad to have it over with, so now I’m ready to focus on getting my house in order as I’ve been ignoring it a lot lately.
That’s unfortunate about yuor neighbours. THat’s amazing that the dip survived in checked luggage.
Ugh, I am sorry you’re also eyeing the election results with disgust. I cannot believe Tr*ump actually won and don’t want to think about all the ramifications.
Happy belated birthday to your son! I hope he enjoyed the celebration.
Well, Tr*ump is not your fault.