It’s that time of the week again, so here are a few good things …

Beach days. I swam twice this week. Friday and Saturday were both around 37C. Friday was takeout Friday, and the girls came over, so I waited to go for my swim until S got there. While we went to the beach for our swim, G and H went to get fish and chips. While S and I were walking, we heard a big crack and crash behind us. A massive branch had fallen off a tree and landed on a car parked in the street about 40 m behind us. Our timing was very fortunate. I would not have wanted to get hit by that thing. The other good news was that no one was in the car, and it looked to have minimal damage. After that, we walked down the middle of the road, away from the trees. By the time we got to the beach, it was a bit overcast, but it was still hot, and we enjoyed the water. G and H arrived with the fish and chips, and we sat on the grass to eat them. It was not pleasant. The flies were awful. So.many.flies. H was particularly put out by the whole thing, but I was still glad we grabbed the opportunity. Once we were finished, we walked to our favourite local gelato shop, Bianco Latte. I had Peanut Butter Chocolate —Yum!
Saturday morning started out hot. G and I timed our runs to finish at about the same time at Elwood beach. I finished a little before him, but once he got there, we picked up something for breakfast at the cafe at The Hub. I had a delicious Baci smoothie and their banana bread, which was yummy, with chia seeds and other bits and pieces that made it nice and filling. Once refuelled we headed to the water, G to cool his legs, and me to go for a swim. I’d bought towels with me and worn bike shorts and a singlet which I could swim in. It was very refreshing after being so hot from the run.
After the beach, we had to rush home, shower, and change to attend our church leadership retreat day. Luckily, it was only a short walk from our house. The day was excellent and generated lots of conversation about what was going well and possible future directions. We also had time to get to know some people we haven’t had as much to do with yet. We were a bit worried about leaving Riley out in the heat, but the girls came over to look after him and work on the puzzle, which they finished. I got this photo by text partway through the morning session.

Some other good things:

- We had our church AGM on Sunday. I did not get wound up for going over time reporting on my ministry.
- Riley also got a swim, but earlier on Friday morning.
- I got my haircut. I’ve started booking my next appointment for when I get my haircut, but this one was supposed to be two weeks ago. It had to be postponed because I had my aunty’s funeral. I have booked my next cut. Yay for removing the friction of needing to make a phone call.
- G has been overseas this week, and E is on tour, so I could eat whatever I wanted. I have had a whole head of cauliflower, which is one thing G will not eat.
- I booked a restaurant for my birthday celebration with G and the girls (E is away most weekends working, so we couldn’t make it work to include him)
- After the hot weather, we had lovely soaking rain with no wind, which I love because an umbrella keeps you dry. The garden really needed the water. We have since had more than enough rain, thank you.
- Running is still going well, although the heat and humidity have made it a bit more difficult. On Saturday, I will progress to 10-minute running intervals.
- After my haircut I did some errands that have been sitting on my to do list for a number of weeks.
- I watched the Netflix documentary Buy Now recommended by San. I am not a big buyer of things. I also try to buy food, etc, without packaging and select more sustainable products, but I have the time and money to do that, which many people do not. Apart from Kindle books and TV streaming, I refuse to buy anything from Amazon. Despite this, I still find it helpful to have these shocking wake-up calls to recommit myself to my efforts. I was absolutely shocked by the Tictoc videos of Amazon hauls. Were these real people? Do people really buy that amount of stuff? I did a google search and realised this is an actual thing. Anyway, I think watching or reading things like this fairly regularly is a good way to innoculate against consumerism.
- I planted my tomatoes.
How’s your week been?
15 responses to “Good Things Friday”
Happy Friday. What lovely week. Treating yourself with a swim after exercise.
That beach dinner sounds fun but flies are annoying. Sorry you had to endure that.
A swim after a run sounds really refreshing. I’m envious of your warm weather. We are heading into winter here. That documentary sounds really interesting. I’m in awe that you don’t order things thru Amazon. I don’t think of myself as a huge consumer, but I probably could do better.
Today is Thanksgiving here, so the week was busy/fun. I cleaned up, which was challenging because I’ve emptied a lot of closets and cabinets upstairs and we dismantled a bed that had built in storage . . . there is stuff everywhere. Mini’s college roomie stayed here one night. Curly had a b-ball game. I had all of my kids home last night, except Lad who lives on his own. Then they were all at home and we went to my SIL’s for Thanksgiving. We had a great celebration. I’m still stuffed.
I think living in a big city helps with not needing to do as much online shopping. I still do some online shopping for things that don’t have stockists in Melbourne, but I try to keep it to a minimum if I can. If online shopping had of been as big when the kids were younger I might have got more into it so I’m glad it wasn’t.
Oooh I love cauliflower! I usually roast one at least once a week. Yum.
37 is really hot! So glad you can cool down in the water.
Eeeeee that puzzle! Your puzzles always look so challenging to me. All that blue!
I agree that it is helpful to have regular reminders about what is happening to the environment. I think of it along the same lines as church. I “know” the material, but I go every Sunday because I need those reminders and new ideas and fresh perspective.
I am jealous of the heat. It is cold and windy and rainy (AGAIN) here today and I am not impressed.
Roasted cauliflower is delicious.
Tree branches falling is always scary. We had a eucalyptus tree drop a huge branch in our complex earlier this year. Luckily it only took out some fencing, no cars or homes were damaged, and thank goodness no one was hurt. It was really big!
Eucalypts are notorious for dropping branches. I’m glad no one was hurt.
I need to watch that documentary. It sounds appalling though. It is crazy how much people consume and how much gets put in the landfill. I really try to do my best to not be part of the problem.
37C! Wow that is hot! I did not realize it got that hot in Melbourne! And it’s not even peak summer yet right?? I am glad you are close to the ocean where you can cool off!
I started a puzzle this week and thought of you! It’s just a 500 piece one but it’s nice to have something to putter on after the boys are in bed.
We haven’t had really hot summers here for the last few years b ut we would usually get a number of +40C degree days. The hottest day I remember was 46.4 in Feb 2009 and was also the hottest day on record in Melbourne. I remember going outside, the streets were virtually deserted and ash was falling from the sky from all the bushfires. Not fun.
The beach looks great and I would love it if it were 37 degrees and sunny here. Actually it is about 37 here, but in Fahrenheit, which is obviously not as fun. I love your comment about the head of cauliflower as that sounds exactly like something I would eat but not something that you would eat for “family dinner” necessarily. I am a big fan of a bowl of veggies for dinner!
What a lovely time at the beach (minus the flies and the tree branch – yikes!). I love that you’re extending your run intervals. That must feel so exciting!
I loved to hear your thoughts about the documentary. I totally agree with you that watching or reading things like that helps curb the consumerism quite a bit.
Just a quick note to add that I like your idea for making a haircut appointment in advance, I don’t like making appointments and this would also ensure I get my haircut more frequently!
It does help a lot.
Your beach photos are beautiful! I agree- there’s nothing like a hot run followed by a swim in the ocean.
I guess I better put off watching that documentary until AFTER Christmas. Both my kids have submitted Christmas wish lists, largely to be purchased on amazon.
I think Amazon is a lot more of a thing in the US. I mean we have it here, but it isn’t necessarily everyone’s first place to go to.