"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver


Labour Day Weekend

On my Saturday morning run

We had our Labour Day public holiday yesterday, so I went with the girls down to my parents’ house at Point Lonsdale for the weekend. My sisters also went down, and a nephew and his girlfriend were also down, staying next door at my brother’s place. On Sunday, we had a lunchtime celebration for my niece, who turned five yesterday. We had a lovely early dinner at Noble Rot Wine Bar on Saturday night. Other than that, I had a couple of very hot morning runs and an afternoon nap, and then I spent most of the weekend sitting around and chatting, either outside under the grapevine or at meal times. The weather was warm enough for the beach, but my daughter and I were feeling lazy.

Black Cockatoo in the Banksia Tree

When we arrived on Friday night, we saw a flock of Black Cockatoos in the Banksia tree, which was pretty cool. I haven’t seen them down there before, although mum has. Saturday evening, they got stuck into the banksia tree at the side of Mum and Dad’s place. The Banksia seed pods must be at the right stage to attract them.

Driving home Monday afternoon took ages. We were dropping Dad off at the hospital for an operation today and ended up taking 40 minutes longer than the GPS’s initial estimate. The hospital was all good, and I got Dad dropped off. My daughter was driving and went grocery shopping while I did the drop-off, then parked and waited for me. Next to where they parked was the sign above. I’m still perplexed. What safety precautions are required for the garden bed because it is over 1m? Don’t get drunk at the pub, climb on the bed on your way home and fall off? The nanny state is running wild!

Do you have wildlife/birds visit at particular times of the year? Do you come across many superfluous cautionary signs?


11 responses to “Labour Day Weekend”

  1. Haha! Beware of tall bushes? Is that what that means? Do you park next to it, like maybe they are warning you not to hit it with your car? Sometimes the warnings are crazy. I am still not over the “caution, hot” on coffee cups. I mean, did you think you were going to order a hot coffee and it would not be hot?

    Your Saturday run view is great! I have been running near the ocean lately, but I have a feeling it is not as hot here as it is in your neck of the woods. It has also been raining a lot and very windy, which churns up the dirt in the sea. However, it does make for bigger and more exciting waves.

    1. There was a footpath between us and the garden bed. I’m not sure why it was needed.

      I love being at the ocean during wild weather.

  2. Australia is so beautiful and interesting! We have a lot of quail here, all times of the year, and they are the cutest. I love when they have babies, they are the size of golf balls. They are fun to watch as they are always together in groups. Sometimes when we have the sprinklers going they will play in them. We also currently have magpies nesting in one of our trees, I see them going in and out all the time, and once those babies are born they’ll be screeching up a storm!

    1. Wild baby quails, gorgeous. We have plenty of magpies here, but I think they are different to yours. Ours love to swoop in nesting season and have drawn blood on myself (head) and my daughter (near her eye)

  3. Your weekend sounds lovely and relaxing aside from the horrendous traffic situation. I’ve heard an owl in our tree in the fall but haven’t seen it. I don’t notice birds all that much, but when we were growing up my dad was always excited when he saw the first robin of the spring. I guess living in Chicago, we are all desperately seeking signs of spring. That sign made me laugh. What on earth?

    1. I can imagine the first signs of Spring were especially welcome when it is so cold.

  4. Hee hee… that sign is funny. I’m wondering what incident occurred that made them think it was necessary.
    Your weekend sounds nice! And- I hope your dad is okay.

    1. I wonder too! Dad is doing really well.

  5. That morning sign is perplexing! I can’t figure out what it’s warning you about!

    Your weekend getaway sounded wonderful!! we often go to my parents lake home for weekend getaways in the summer and it’s such a nice reprieve from being in the city.

    The birds we notice most often are Canadian geese! We know spring is arriving and they fly back and we know winter is coming when they fly south!

    1. I still can’t work out that sign. Having somewhere to get away that doesn’t require a lot of planning is free accommodation and you get together with family is such a blessing.

  6. That sign… haha. maybe it is scary because people dont know how vegetation looks like? I dont know. crazy for sure.

    Hope you dads operation went well and he is on the mend.

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