A little post loosely inspired by “there are two types of people” memes.

I tend towards the right side, although I have never actually run out of petrol. This caused a bit of angst to my eldest when we shared a car, and she hopped in the car, and the fuel was less than one-third full. Thankfully, I very rarely drive now, and G tends towards the left side of this graphic, so I almost never have to fill the car up.
Technology: Keep or upgrade?
I tend not to upgrade until the old tech becomes a real annoyance. The exception was our iPhones, which were on a plan through work with upgrades every two years. This worked for us because we handed our old phones down to the kids, and with three kids, there was usually one that needed a new one. I skipped my last upgrade, though, because Apple discontinued the mini-size phone that I currently have and like. That has been fine, apart from when I ran out of battery in New York (not in the grid), but luckily, I stumbled upon a map in the street so I could find my way to the nearest subway station. Also lucky that this was towards the end of the stay, so I knew which lines I could catch to get back to our hotel. I need to decide what to do about my phone before my time in Paris because I’d prefer to have a phone that can last all day.
The only other piece of tech that I’ve been tempted to upgrade is my Garmin—G’s watch has some fun extra features—but I’ve decided to stick with it until it stops working or the battery gets too much worse. Currently, the elevation only works sporadically and the battery doesn’t last a full day of hiking. Last week the upgrade was looking more likely because twice I charged it fully the night before and then it drained to zero overnight, but the last few days it’s been fine. The watch has earned a (temporary) reprieve!
Pool or Open Water?

I prefer swimming in an open water body rather than a pool. I hate the chlorine in public pools and love the natural beauty of most open-water swimming locations. The best for me are good body surfing waves or good snorkelling, which gives me something to do.
Shoes On or Off?

During the pandemic, we became shoes off in the house. Prior to that, we did whatever. With my sore foot, I’ve had to wear a shoe all the time, and I haven’t enjoyed it. At one stage, I was changing my sneakers (I had an outside and inside pair), but now I’m in a boot, so there’s no taking that off when I come back inside. I do have to remember to take my right sneaker down to the car when I’m going to be driving, though. Changing into the sneaker to drive and then back out into the boot once I get to my destination is a bit of a pain … I got G to drop me off and pick me up from the dentist on Friday because I couldn’t be bothered.
Glass Half Full or Half Empty

Are you a glass-half-full type of person or a glass-half-empty? I tend towards glass-half-full. I remember going to a Christmas service once, and then at lunch, in conversation, my MIL mentioned all the things that were wrong with it … I seriously wondered whether we had been to the same service. Then I started second-guessing myself—am I not discerning enough?
High or Low Energy?
Unfortunately, I’m a low-energy person who enjoys high-energy activities. Our run club, understandably, is populated by many high-energy people. It makes sense that they are drawn to endurance sports; many of them need lots of physical activity to feel good. Not me—I could easily laze around every day, reading a book. Of course, I’d prefer being able to go for a walk or a run when I want to, but not being able to at the moment is not as much of a problem for me as it would be for my friends. When I am able to train, I need to be careful to manage my energy levels. Otherwise, I can end up with the type of fatigue where it feels like I’m having to drag my body through my day. For me, energy is always the limiting factor in what I can do, rather than time.
Your turn. Share your insights and how you voted. Have you ever run out of petrol?
9 responses to “This or That”
I have definitely NEVER run out of petrol (gas is what we call it in Canada). I am:
– shoes off
– glass half-empty
– fill up the tank at 1/2 empty
– LOW (LOW!!!) energy
– keep (tech)
– neither; I’m always frozen when I swim, so I mostly avoid swimming now. Maybe I need to move to Australia?! The water is cold on the Atlantic Coast where I live!
Our maximum water temperature here in Victoria is about 19C in February so I think you would probably need to go further north? But, yes the water where you are would definately be cold for swimming. When we went for a running camp in the mountains at Falls Creek, we popped our legs into the aquaduct and the water was freezing (not literally), which was a bit like hopping in an ice bath.
This is a fun post! I popped over from Elisabeth’s blog. My husband puts gas in our cars. He’s definitely a “acts of service” love language kind of person and that is a real gift during the winter months when the feels-like temp could be -20F or worse. He also takes care of all the car service appointments. I got married later in life (age 36) so have happily handed those jobs over to him, except I didn’t even have to ask him to do it, he just took it on and it’s a way that he cares for me which I love. But I have never ran out of gas and never ever would because I am so risk averse that I would never let the tank get too low!
I am definitely a low energy person. One of my colleagues said I was the Eeyore to his Tigger. I’m also kind of a glas half empty person who wishes she was a glass half full person.
Hmmm, it seems like there a few of us low energy types around.
I love that your husband looks after you like that.
Oh these are fun
– in the reds but I rarely drive… but usually I leave the car empty which is thrilling to the husband. NOT.
– upgrade if it makes sense (which it often does as I work with my phone, laptop, camera)
– open water… but I rarely swim so…
– off. I am german. HA
– I fear half empty
– low, unfortunatly.
Haha, I’ve been known to leave the car near empty for my husband too. I’ve wondered whether the low energy is connected to the migraines … I mean I get even more tired when I’m getting or have had a migraine.
I honestly panic if I’m below a quarter of a tank. Even last night, I was finishing a long drive (it ended up being about eight hours) and I filled up before I went home. I just cannot deal with warning lights on my dashboard!
I have needed to replace my phone for months (I’ve had it since before the pandemic) because it’s so full that I keep getting warnings that I can’t so much as take a photo because there’s no space on it. However, I have not replaced my phone and the thought of doing so stresses me out so much that I can feel an anxiety attack coming on. We’ve also had our television set for more than fifteen years. I do not care for upgrading tech is what I’m telling you.
Upgrading phones does seem like a big effort. I think if it was completely up to me I’d be exactly like you and put it off indefinately. G loves to upgrade and I do not. He tries to reign himself in a bit because he knows how I feel about unnecessary upgrades.
That was fun 🙂
I definitely start looking for a gas station when the tank is half empty, I tend to keep my tech equipment until it gets too annoying (although I agree, a new Garmin would be nice :)), I prefer the pool over open waters, we’re a shoes off household, and I am definitely a glass-half-full kinda person. I’d say that energy-wise, I fall somewhere in the middle… I do need time to rest.