"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

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Good Things Friday

Last weekend was the Gold Coast Marathon Weekend when both G and I were supposed to run the marathon, and we were out of action. So instead of completing my first marathon, there was a lot of eating, lazing around and watching other people running.

FRI 5.7.2024

  • Waking up and admiring the stunning views from our apartment

  • Taking our daughter and friend to the expo to pick up their BIBs. Finding names on the board. Mine was not there because I’d transferred my entry but G was after the cutoff so his was still there along with our daughters’. The annual sock buying.

  • The Wild podcast featuring Jenny Odell was excellent. A couple of good quotes:
    • “the more you learn about the world, the more the world speaks back to you” – learning details of the place where you live allows you to notice more. Example: If you know the bird calls, you will notice the birds calling.
    • “collective action is needed for a significant change to everyone’s experience of time” – I thought about Elisabeth and her difficulty with keeping a digital Sabbath. It would be much easier to make these changes in our own lives if we were able to do them together.
  • The apartment block had a gym which I didn’t realise but luckily I had some clothes that I could make do for some heavy lifting followed by SIT on the bike.
  • Dinner out with running friends. The excitement of discussing THE RACE PLANS. Yummy veal limone to replenish the stores after my workout.

SAT 6.7.2024

  • Our waterproof gear, which came in handy in the multiple downpours before and during the half-marathon. Kept our clothes completely dry.

  • Seeing the half-marathon front runners come in. Including Jess Stenson, who had a tune-up before the Paris Olympics.

  • It was an absolutely amazing race by our daughter in the half-marathon, who was the only one left flying the family flag. An 8-minute PB, finishing in 1:36:41.
  • My foot standing up well to the extra walking. My previous daily maximum total for walking was Friday’s 10,000 steps and today I did over 15,000. No pain, I think it is healed!
  • An afternoon nap.
  • Celebrations with our running friends at their rental. Yummy Thai food and some red wine. Earlyish night ready for more spectating.

SUN 7.7.2024

  • Cheering on our friends doing the full marathon. It was a tough day for most. The sun came out and it got quite hot.

  • More walking on the foot (another 15,000 steps) and no pain.
  • I took this weekend to do a big binge-read of The Fourth Wing. I struggled to put it down and go to bed, so this afternoon, I got proactive and finished it. A ripping story.
  • Celebratory drinks at the Surfers Paradise Beer Garden. Our friend, who we talked into doing the marathon with us (oops!) was not hating us quite so much by the time we’d enjoyed some bubbles together to celebrate her race.

MON 8.7.2024

  • I’ve been missing having a coffee when we go out for breakfast since I gave up coffee last September. I decided to try a Chai Latte and it was good. This may be my new go-to.
  • Catching up multiple times with B. She moved to Townsville a couple of years ago, so Gold Coast is one of the few times we catch up.
  • Having a lazy day. I was very tired after our two early mornings.
  • Dinner out at the Birdcage. This is new to us restaurant, and we enjoyed it. Share plate-style food and cocktails.

TUES 9.9.2024

  • Another Chai Latte
  • Our plane was on time.
  • I finished another book, Transforming Our Days, which picked up themes from Living the Sabbath. A quote: “For Christian practices call us to engage our world not as consumers seeking to maximize the commodities we desire, but as children of God who seek to embrace the world as gift and strive to enter into the “gifting” dynamism of the life of grace, communion, and discipleship.”
  • Coming home.

  • A full house for dinner. Some chicken schnitzels and pre-made salads from Gumtree

WED 10.7.2024

  • Switching out my books for a whole new pile at the library.

  • I made tuna cakes for dinner, and they were excellent. G noticed that I hadn’t swore once. Often when I decide to make things like this (patties, veggie burgers etc) they don’t hold together well and then there will be a lot of swearing in the kitchen. These come together really easily and stay together.

THURS 11.7.2024

  • I ate some lettuce from my veggie garden today. It’s looking good.

That’s all from me for the week. How has your week been?


12 responses to “Good Things Friday”

  1. Congrats to your daughter on her huge PR! Wow! She is FAST!! Sounds like conditions were tough for both races, although I’d probably take rain over heat! I ran my 2nd marathon in the rain and it was not as bad as I feared it would be.

    1. Yes, our daughter has had a lot of improvement this year, she has had a really solid few blocks of training and it shows. Hubby is feeling her breathing down his neck re PBs but his HM is 1:29 so she still has a bit further to go. I’m the snail at the back of the family pack! I agree rain is better than the heat.

  2. I love tuna ANYTHING. My mouth is watering.

    Congrats to your daughter. It sounds like she had an epic race indeed. When I saw the picture from your apartment for a split second I was like: Melissa lives THAT CLOSE TO THE BEACH. How did I not know this? But then I sorted it all out – haha. What a view!!

    1. Haha, yes I can’t see the beach from our apartment at home but we are only 500 m metres from the water at home, but it is the bay beach and not a beautiful surf beach like at the Gold Coast.

  3. Hi Melissa, happy Friday to you. Your week looked so good!
    Wow, the views from your balcony are incredible. I assume you can hear the surf no problem? How lovely to fall asleep to…
    Let us know about enneagram and prayer book – I just determined my enneagram type – type 8 – and always interested in learning more.
    How did you give up coffee???? Was it hard? Can you link to a post where you talk about it? I googled how to make chai latte- not very hard, I may try it.

    1. The surf was pretty loud where we were and we kept our windows open overnight.

      I’m type 5 on the enneagram, so will see what it says. I will report back with a general review.

      It was not hard for me to give up coffee. I used to drink one coffee most days and occasionally 2 but never had withdrawals if I didn’t have a coffee (for example if we were travelling and there was no good coffee – I only ever drank good espresso) I had a really bad vestibular migraine which I felt was either triggered or made worse by coffee so I’m a bit wary now, which made it easier to stay off. I’ve really only missed it when I’m with other people who are drinking coffee.

  4. Oooh look at your lettuces and kale! They look great. What a lovely week you had, Melissa!

    1. Thanks Nicole. I kind of feel it’s almost easier to keep the garden looking nice in summer because it grows more slowly.

  5. Mhm tuna cakes. I think it is time to make some of these this summer.
    Your garden looks great and everything so crisp and healthy. I have a way to go to achieve that level.

    The weekend away with the marathon going on sounds fun and exciting. What a marathon family you are.

    1. The gardens doesn’t always look this neat and lush. Yes, our weekend away was lots of fun.

  6. Congrats on the race results! And yes, the view from the balcony there is incredible. I would also sleep with my windows open if I had that, even for a night or two.

    1. I will always sleep with my windows open if I can. I hate when we stay places that don’t have flyscreens or it is too noisy to open the windows. This place didn’t have flyscreens but was high enough not to have a bug problem.