It’s been a while since I did one of these posts, but maybe you have a bit of time to surf the net in this week?
First up some posts to help you reflect on the year that was, or the year to come. End of Year Reflection Questions by Tsh Oxenreider on the commonplace. Austin Kleon has a selection of his own and others’ Prompts for the New Year.
This year I managed for the second time to grow seeds in punnets, but it’s never very successful. Maybe I should follow Casey’s lead—“I’m breaking up with punnets”. This season I got tomatoes, capsicums and eggplants started indoors, although thinking about it, my most prolific tomato harvest was the year we stayed in my sister’s house and there was a cherry tomato bush that self-seeded and grew to a couple of metres high and wide, filled with a profusion of tasty treats.
Some meals that won a place in Our Family Recipe Book:
Orzo Minestrone with Fresh Corn, Zucchini and Pesto
Crispy Cheesy Sweet Potato Skins
The Best Vegan Red Lentil Dahl. This might go on rotation with another favourite Pumpkin Dal
Dark on netflix. I told Hubby we must finish watching this before we left for Point Lonsdale. Fascinating, complex, time travel story. We felt like we needed a board with sticknotes for each character so we could keep the relationships straight. Finishes well.
Loki on Disney. This is great. Watched this with our daughters.
Percy Jackson on Disney. Another one we’re watching with our daughters. OK.
Rebuilders – The Six Megatrends that will shape 2024
Strength Running: How to Improve the 3 Running Thresholds
What have been your favourite finds lately?
2 responses to “Reading, Watching, Listening – December 2023”
I laughed at your cherry tomato story, as some of my best tomato plants have been volunteers. It seems like the cherry is especially hardy! My brother hates cherry tomatoes and he grows several different regular sized ones, but despite not growing cherries for probably 10 years now, every year he still gets cherry volunteers!! They are sneaky too; even though he is vigilant, they tend to sneak up on you.
I had heard good things about Loki a few years ago. I do love the mythology stories and it is too bad that you are not loving Percy as much. I read the entire set of the books several years ago and enjoyed them. Of course they are no Harry Potter but they were entertaining!
I read the books when my kids were reading them. It’s not so mch the story that’s the problem. I think the acting is the problem.