I had a cold last week which put a damper on many of my normal activities. Luckily I wasn’t so sick that I had to go to bed, I just avoided too much physical activity and going out in public. So no running, no church, no Alpha which started last weekend, no race, no volunteering for the race, no gym, no grocery shopping, no going to look at awnings (Hiubby’s latest house project). This meant the house was cleaner, the books were read, and I got to write and think and match puzzle pieces more.
Now I’m better, I’m moving back into a more normal routine, but I’m going to miss the extra time I had to put into some of my pet projects. Today my morning was almost fully occupied by some pre-work involved in starting a new ministry at our church. That is good. The ministry will be good. I spent time with some good people. It also means that my normal routine was interrupted and the things that I have been doing on a Monday morning either need to be squeezed in at some other time or abandoned altogether. My Pilates class didn’t make the cut.
I think this is why, despite the fact that I know the quickest isn’t always best, I’m still tempted by the allure of saved time. That time could be spent on some other good thing. I wonder whether the itch for more is heightened by our access to so many other people’s lives, through news and social media. Inspiration is great, but it can provide too many possibilities to consider. Although I’ve learnt to manage expectations. Be content. Appreciate the moment. Celebrate the good that is already here. Write myself a Rule of Life. I still feel that temptation, that twist of unease or frustration or impatience. I think this is going to be a life long work in progress.
How about you? If you want to feed the monster, tell me what you’d do if you suddenly had an extra hour today. Otherwise, what do you have on your plate today that you’d jettison if needed?
9 responses to “Wanting all the things”
I feel this deep to the core, Melissa. The constant struggle to slow down, but also fit in ALL THE THINGS. I am blessed in that I don’t really know what “boredom” is, I ALWAYS have something to do… and yet, I almost always feel time-deprived. Like I need more of it it any given day to do the things that need to be done, but also do all the things I would like to do. There’s definitely a push-pull going on and finding the happy middle is hard.
I here you with not ever feeling bored. Even when I’m waiting for something my thought keep me entertained.
I am happy to hear you are feeling better. I think I may have found a happy middle way. I do not feel busy most days and I do not feel bored either. Last year I had covid which forced me into quarantene for 10 days in our master bedroom. I was very sick at first but after a few days felt better and spent time reading books. It felt indulgent yet amazing.
If I had an extra hour?… Not much would change. I would probably spend it reading.
To get rid of something?… Public school paperwork hehe
It is good when you can hit exactly the sweet spot for activity. Yes, you sign up to teach and I guess get loaded with paperwork, not fun.
I relate to this 100%. It is so hard to find balance and it feels like a moving target. That said, I feel like I’m slowly learning that it’s okay to let things go. In the last few months I’ve stopped doing several habits that have been years-long and it feels…good. I used to send monthly updates to family and friends and they were HUGE. Everyone loved receiving them, but it felt exhausting to me now and so…I just stopped. It feels liberating.
Also, we’ve recently tried to have people over less for a meal and more for dessert. A lot less work and we still get to spend time together.
Sorry you were under the weather, but glad it gave you things to ponder re. priorities <3
Yes, we do have to have regular check-ins to see if what we’re doing still fits our life right now.
If I had an extra hour, I’d sleep. I’m actually considering giving up my lunch hour to crawl under the covers. There’s a lot of drama at my volunteer gig and I could, I would just throw it all out the window and never think about it again! Oh, well – I must adult, I guess.
Oh, that doesn’t sound good re your volunteer role. I think it is almost more frustrating when a volunteer role becomes difficult … I mean you’re volunteering you time! I hope you did get a little nap, although eating is important too,
[…] And there you go, written evidence of me wanting all the things. […]