"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." – Mary Oliver

  • Day trip to Rainbow Beach from Noosa by 2WD

    While my daughter was visiting us in Noosa we went for a day trip to Rainbow Beach. Since we don’t have a 4WD we took the inland route, through Cooroy…

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  • September’s Books

    Exhalation – Ted Chiang I finished this in August but missed putting it in that month’s posts. This set of science fiction short stories looks at some of the big…

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  • I’m Voting Yes

    On Saturday Australia will go to the polls to vote on an amendment to our constitution. The question being posed is: “A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise…

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  • In the Garden September 2023

    I’ve had these photos sitting on my camera since I took them in September. The section of the garden near the water feature has really bushed up, filling in a…

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  • Looking Forward, Looking Back – September 2023

    We went into the city last week to celebrate my daughter’s birthday at Chin Chin. There were six of us so we had to eat off the Feed Me menu…

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  • Internet Free Day #1

    One of my 101 Things is to have 15 internet-free days. I used to have semi-regular tech-free days but haven’t had one for a while. This time I decided to…

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  • A little catchup

    Life has been frustrating lately. I feel like the last three months have been one niggly health issue after another. No one thing has been serious but I feel like…

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  • Third Places

    This week I’ve encountered the concept of “third places” three times. The first in a newspaper article arguing that what makes European cities so good are their third places and…

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  • Tenderheart Cook #11, #12 and #13

    Cooking my way through the Tenderheart Cookbook. Charred Zucchini and Sweetcorn with Basil Caesar-ish Sauce The Quick Lowdown: Carrot Peanut Satay Ramen The Quick Lowdown: Brussels-sprouts-instead-of-egg Salad I often get a…

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  • Cross Country Running

    We had our last cross-country race on Saturday. This season has been a bit of a bust for me and the last race did not break the bad run. I…

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