
  • Faith

    A Sunday Reminder

    In a wild world like ours, your character, left untended, will become … a vacant lot filled with thorns, weeds, broken bottles, raggedy grocery bags and dog droppings. Brian McLaren, Finding our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices, pp 11-12 Tending to our character is our most important job, the task that impacts everything else.

  • Faith,  NaBloPoMo,  Resistance

    Critical Theory and Christianity

    I was listening to an episode of Undeceptions about Critical Theory last week, and I was reminded again of the incongruity of people who identify as Christian, reflexively dismissing theories that “aim to explain and transform all the circumstances that enslave human beings.” I could understand if the objection was that only Christ could complete that sort of transformation or that some positions are too extreme, but there seems to be resistance in many circles to acknowledge that these theories reveal truths about societal structures that oppress people. The Bible has its own way of presenting a critique of culture. From Genesis, where the cosmological myths of the surrounding cultures are critiqued…