List #19: What I Did on A Mid-Week Day For Myself
Last year, I started booking my next hair appointment after I got my haircut. There were too many times when I was overdue because I forgot/ put off / procrastinated…
Camino de Santiago: Leon to Sarria
The transport options between Leon and Sarria on a Sunday were not great so we organised a private transfer with a stop at Ponferrada, a little town on the Camino…
Ask Me Anything: Vol 2
I’m finally getting around to answering some more questions from San. What place have you travelled to that surprised you, and why? This was a tricky one, but I will…
List #18: Good Things Friday – January 2025
I’ve decided to switch it up this year, so my Good Things Friday posts will now be monthly on the last Friday of the month. Good Reads: How has your…
September to December 2024 Books
I’ve got quite behind with my book posts, but October (due to travel) and November (due to NaBloPoMo) were low-reading months for me, so I’m going to do one post…
List #17: Sports I’ve Done
Time for another list. This list only includes the sports I’ve competed in, not those I’ve played in PE class at school or pottered around with socially. What sports have…
Tenderheart Cook #55 and #56
I’m cooking my way through the Tenderheart Cookbook. Upside-down Rhubarb and Ginger Olive Oil Cake At the start of December, we had a heap of rhubarb in our garden, and I…
101 Things in 1001 Days: 500 Day Check-In
I started my 101 Things list on September 11th 2023. I’m checking my progress every 100 days. At the end of the first 400 days, I calculated that I was 30.8% complete. Let’s see…
Camino de Santiago: Leon
Before Christmas I left off my recap of our Camino in Burgos. Our train from Burgos was running late, so we didn’t get to Leon until after 6 pm. We…
It doesn’t take long …
for the garden to get out of control again. You wouldn’t know that I’d tidied it all up for Christmas. G has been home but has not been tending the…