List #16: 100 Things that made my Year – 2024
Stealing this idea from Austin Kleon. You can see 2023’s post here and 2022’s post here. What things would make your top 100 list?
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you all. I hope this time is filled with all good things for you and your loved ones. I’ll be taking a break over the “dead week”…
Advent Calendars and Jesse Trees
Last week, Elisabeth took us on a tour of her Christmas decorations (which are gorgeous, by the way), and I commented that this year, I only have the tree and…
Good Things Friday
Most of our busyness is done, and we are now winding down to Christmas Day. Today is the last day of work for both of us. The office will shut…
Tenderheart Cook #51 and #52
I’m cooking my way through the Tenderheart Cookbook. Ginger and Coriander Noodle Pancake I cooked this for my lunch one day when G was away. I had lots of coriander and…
Camino de Santiago: Burgos
I left off my Camino recap in Pamplona. That afternoon, we caught the train to Burgos, the next major town on the Camino. For the next four days, we would…
Good Things Friday
This week will be my busiest week before Christmas. We are in the full swing of Christmas stuff, but things should quiet down after next Tuesday. After that, I’d like…
Camino De Santiago: Zubiri to Pamplona
We woke in Zubiri to an email from our travel company advising of a severe travel warning—the tail end of a hurricane was sending high winds and rain across Spain…
Tenderheart Cook #48, #49 and #50
I’m cooking my way through the Tenderheart Cookbook. Crispy Potato Wedges with Lentils and Guasacaca Sauce The Quick Lowdown: Spiced Pumpkin Doughnuts DOffins This baked doughnut recipe requires a nonstick doughnut…
Good Things Friday
Last Friday, we drove up to Moama for the Perricoota Pop and Pour Festival. Friends of ours from running are involved, so we usually go up each year. Friday was…