
February’s Books

Summarising in 25 words what was most noteworthy to me from the books I finished this month.

Australia’s China Odyssey: From Euphoria to Fear – James Curran

This is an engaging, well-written account of Australian policy and attitudes to China in the 20th and 21st centuries, a topic I knew little about.

Horse – Geraldine Brooks

Thoroughly enjoyable. With multiple storylines, my favourite was the bond between Lexington and Jarret. I did feel the Jess and Theo arc was the weakest.


  • NGS

    Australia’s policies towards China seems like a really niche topic! I love it that there are books that cover such specific content!

  • Jenny

    You do read some interesting books! I’ve never heard of either of these (although I doubt i would come across a book about Australia’s relationship to China. I don’t even understand my own country’s relationship to China.)

    • Melissa

      Yes, I love to read across a wide range of topics … I find many things fascinating and like to dig in a bit.