Books,  NaBloPoMo

My ballooning current reading list

Partway through this year, I decided I wanted to do less scrolling and more reading real books. I always make sure I have a variety of books on the go, and usually one ready to slot in when I finish a book. I’ve got into a bit of a routine with my reading but in the last month, my current reading list has ballooned.

In the morning, as part of my quiet time, I read a chapter of some kind of theology book. My current read is Coming Home by Jonathon Cornford. I also have Turning of Days on my list. It has readings broken up into seasons, and my plan was to read each section in the appropriate season, but I think I’ll finish it off once I’ve finished Coming Home. I’m also reading one poem from Mary Oliver’s Devotions. each morning

For the rest of the day, if I can carve out some reading time, I’ll pick up my non-fiction read. If I’m on holiday and I have more time to read I’ll read whatever I feel like at the time but I like to at least keep up some non-fiction reading. I’m partway through Call of the Reed Warbler, but I had to return it to the library. I’ve reserved it to reborrow, and in the meantime, I’m reading Sapiens.

Finally, when I go to bed I read fiction or memoir. My current read in this category is I am Malala.

Do you like to balance out your reading over different genres? Do you read one book at a time or several?


  • NGS

    I have a very complicated system of trying to balance genres and lengths of reads on my ebook hold list and physical book list at the library. It sometimes feels like a part-time job! But, since I read based on where my mood takes me, I need to have as many options as possible.

  • San

    Oh, I don’t think I could read the way you do… I can read two books at a time when they’re completely different genres, but otherwise I just like to stick to one.

  • Elisabeth

    Typically I read almost exclusively non-fiction, but lately it has all been fiction! Weird.

    I almost always have at least 2 (sometimes 3 or 4 books on the go).
    Right now I’m reading Adam Grant’s Think Again (non-fiction), The Man Who Died Twice (fiction) and a collection of Mary Oliver’s poems (I’ve been going through a months-long kick of reading Mary Oliver!)

  • Jenny

    You’re reading some serious books! I haven’t read it, but I’ll be interested to hear what you think of Sapiens. I read mostly fiction- I love being engrossed in a story.

  • Tobia | craftaliciousme

    I try to have a non-fiction book or educational or very emotionally challanging book which I read in the morning. Often a physical book. Then I usually have an ebook going which I read at night. And soemtimes another one for the day. But if it is getting more than 4 I am usually lost and dont get much reading done.