• Nature,  Running,  The Neighbourhood

    Detouring from my usual paths

    To get my project of running every street in a 5km radius of our house kick-started again, I added some detours to my usual run along the beach path. I found a couple more cut-throughs to the beach from some of the local roads. I also ran along the opposite side of the Elwood Canal. I enjoyed seeing a cheeky white cockatoo doing acrobatics from the power line before flying off to join its mates, feeding in the dry canal overflow. Blanketing the fence near the primary school was an overgrown passionfruit vine covered in flowers. Unfortunately, it looks like a sucker, but I will pop back there periodically; maybe…

  • Resistance,  Slow Food

    Our annual ritual is back on …

    Each summer, Dad drives down to the Otways to pick Silvan berries to make jam. If I’m around I usually try to go down with him along with whoever else happens to be hanging out down here at their house and wants to go. Last year we missed it because it was closed due to changing hands and COVID, but this year, berry picking was back on. The girls and I went with dad. The weather was overcast, which made for comfortable picking, and there were plenty of berries on the bushes. Over the next two days, we turned them into jam. Out of all the jams we make, the…

  • Books

    December’s Books in 25 Words

    Summarising in 25 words what was most noteworthy to me from the books I finished this month. Not many books finished this month, a combination of busy days, several partially read non-fiction books and this month’s 997-page fiction read. The Evening and The Morning – Ken Follett Another epic tale told from multiple characters’ viewpoints. This book has inspired me to learn more about England at the end of the dark ages. Creating a Missional Culture: Equipping the Church for the Sake of the World – J. R. Woodward Focuses heavily on the five roles in Eph 4:11-13. Reminded me how I should be looking to serve as I settle…

  • Life,  Systems

    2023 Intentions

    I have a running list I call my ultimate list, with things I want (or need) to do. Not the things that need doing immediately, but all those other things. When I add something I put the year next to it. When it’s done I mark it complete and put the year next to when it was complete. Periodically I check it to work out what I might put on my more immediate list of things to do or what might need to be removed. Daily Routines: The start of the year is one of those times to look at the list and work out what I want to tackle…