
30 Things That Make Me Happy

Copying Daria. Go here to read her original post.

  1. Being married to my Hubby
  2. Spending time with my adult kids … they are great humans
  3. Leftovers for lunch
  4. Late afternoon light through the trees
  5. Good coffee
  6. A fancy dinner
  7. The spicy potatoes, cauliflower and zucchini I made without a recipe (will I be able to replicate it?)
  8. Eating from my garden.
  9. Family photos on the walls, on the shelves
  10. Our dog’s exuberant welcome
  11. Clean sheets
  12. Runners high (I wish it happened after every run)
  13. Looking at the painting in our hall (above)
  14. Matilda’s getting through to the round of 16 (sorry Canada)
  15. Instant hot/cold/ sparkling water from our tap
  16. Line drying the towels (hopefully I wasn’t too ambitious on this winter day … it’s sunny and a little windy)
  17. Reading my old blog and reminding myself of the funny things the kids said
  18. Everlasting daisies in the garden that just keep blooming through the depths of winter
  19. Morning walks with the dog
  20. Afternoon walks with the dog
  21. Being able to leave the car at home and walk to the things I need
  22. Overnight rain
  23. Running club
  24. Takeout Fridays
  25. Family puzzling
  26. Planning holidays
  27. Chatting on the phone with my mum
  28. Meeting friendly doggie owners at the park
  29. Indoor plants
  30. Fresh bread

How about you? Hit me up with a few of your happy things if you haven’t already done so over at Daria’s


  • Elisabeth

    Love all of these! I can’t remember what I wrote on Daria’s blog, so here are three things making me happy today:
    1. Coffee (the first sip in the morning today was MAGICAL)
    2. Finishing my 4-morning volunteer gig at lunch time today. It was fun, but exhausting – so nice to have that completed
    3. My best friend gets home from being gone for a month on Monday. I’m so excited to see her in person and go on a long walk to catch up <3

  • San

    What is it about a good cup of coffee that makes people so dang happy? 😉 It’s on my list, too.
    I also agree with #12, #22, #27 (actually it’s Facetime with my parents for me), and #30 (obvs).

    • Melissa

      Yes, the coffee seems to come up on a lot of people’s lists. I wonder whether it is also the strong smell, that contributes to the good feelings.

  • J

    I love that your dog gets 3 mentions. That’s a reason to consider another dog when we are ready, we miss our boy so much. And I am so thankful to have had him, he brought so much happiness and joy into our lives.

    I love getting together with friends, in person when possible, but on the phone when not. I love not cooking on weekends. I love a good book and a nice glass of wine. I love my morning yoga practice. Hmmm. Perhaps I should do one of these of my own. 🙂

  • Jenny

    I love posts like this!!! And I love when people talk about how much fun it is to have adult children. I’m continually sad by my kids growing up, and it’s good to be reminded that there are good things about all phases.
    We also get takeout on Fridays- yay for Fridays! I’m not on Team Coffee but I’m sitting in Starbucks right now sipping my favorite earl grey tea.
    You’re kind of making me wish we had a dog! But my cats make me very happy too.

    • Melissa

      Adult children are fabulous. Although I think it is easier here in Australia because they don’t usually move away when they finish school. In big Australian cities most kids will attend university in their home town and stay living at home which also means many then get jobs in the same city (it’s different for country kids who often need to move to the city to study) The main exception is for kids who want to go to ANU in Canberra, but Melbourne has a number of world class universities so there isn’t a need to move.