Life,  Running

Friday Thoughts #8

It’s been a week since I posted here … oops. I’ve been wondering if the email for replies to comments is working. If you’ve received a email when I’ve replied to your comment can you let me know below?

When I run alone on easy or long runs, I usually listen to a podcast and have been loving my AirPods that I received as a Christmas present. Yesterday I stopped for a drink and when I stood up one of the Airpods fell out of my ear and into the drain that was next to the tap. You know how it is when things seem to be happening in slow motion. You can see the disaster unfolding but cannot stop it from happening. It was like that. I saw the Airpod falling towards the drain, land on the grate, and then tip over to fall through. The drain cover was immovable, although I gave it a try. Since I was 2km from home, I decided to finish my planned 9km run first, then come back with some tools to see if I could retrieve it.

The run was not enjoyable. Apart from the unpleasant heat, my mind was on my Airpod, sitting at the bottom of the drain. I arrived home and quickly ate my breakfast of overnight oats, so I didn’t miss my 30-minute protein window. As soon as I finished, I grabbed the longest tongs I could find and returned to the drain. We only have one car, and my husband was out at a meeting by this time. I arrived back to find the Airpod still sitting in the bottom of the drain, but it was now nestled in mud. Something wet had gone in since I was there. I carefully poked the tongs through, which were just long enough to reach the Airpod and pulled it back up through the gate on my first attempt. I was pretty happy with that … I thought it might take a few more goes. The tongs have now been run through the dishwasher, and the Airpod disinfected with an alcohol wipe. All’s well that ends well?

If I was a better blogger, I’d have photos to go with this story.

I started 3:1 sessions with a trainer at a local gym this week. I’m at that age where strength training becomes highly recommended to reduce muscle loss and improve body composition. In the last couple of months, I’ve found that my weight has been creeping up. I’d prefer not to carry that extra weight on my runs, and it finally got to the point where I thought I’d better do something about it. I’ve also been adding regular hill sprints to my running program as these are the runner’s strength training. With this and adjusting my breakfasts and lunches to include more whole grains, protein and vegetables, my weight is heading in the right direction. My weekly training now consists of four runs, one session of reformer pilates and strength training. When I’m at the point in my training cycle of needing extra kilometres, I’ll run to and from pilates. With my food, I generally aim to eat food that will fuel me well most of the time. I’m a moderator so I like to have my breakout meals every now and then.

Speaking of breakout meals, we’re going out for dinner tonight with some friends. We’re trying a new casual offshoot of a localish destination restaurant that I’ve been eyeing off. It’s warm here today so I might also pop over to the beach for a swim later this afternoon.

Have you had a potential disaster that was averted lately? What are your weekend plans?


  • NGS

    Oh, no! I was really on the edge of my seat with the AirPod story. They’re so expensive if you have to replace them! I’m glad it worked out in the end, although it doesn’t sound like any of that was pleasant.

    We are in the middle of winter and had an ice storm. I have to say that the biggest crisis averted was my husband canceling in-person classes and moving to remote, so we were able to stay cozy at home while *nature* happened outside.

    • Melissa

      I can’t imagine living somewhere where you are dealing with snowstorms amid everyday life. We very rarely have weather that interrupts daily life, and if we do it is generally fairly isolated ie local flooding. Staying safe, and warm inside sounds like a sensible decision.

    • Melissa

      Yes, my stomach sank at the time. So glad I could get it back. My next step would have involved contacting the council.

  • Jenny

    Nice job on retrieving the airpod!!! Those things are expensive, but think how resilient they are- you can drop them in a muddy drain and they still work.
    I’m thinking we must be in the same age bracket because I’ve also embraces strength training lately for the reasons you cited. I don’t work with a trainer (although my son is my unofficial trainer when he’s home.) I would do hill repeats if I could, but the area I live is flat as a pancake. Hills are good for strength, and they say they’re also speed work in disguise!

    • Melissa

      I am 51 now and have just noticed the first signs of perimenopause, so definitely want to get in before I lose too much strength. On hills – we moved in late 2021 from a hilly area to here near the beach, which is flat. It’s great not to always have to run up a hill to get home, but now we generally have to drive to get the benefit of hills. Unfortunately, our favourite rolling hills route has been closed for 6 months now while they do work on a pedestrian bridge (seriously don’t know how they can take that long) Luckily, there is a small hill only a couple of km from us Point Ormond which is just tall/long enough to do my 15s hill repeats. Although if my speed up improves I will probably need to make it 12s (I’m finishing about 2.5m from the top) You are lucky to have someone knowledgeable to direct you sometimes with the strength training.

  • J

    Oh goodness, I love your last bit about popping out for a swim at the beach…I have never lived near water warm enough to swim in it. Northern California, the ocean water doesn’t really get out of the 50s. Brrr. We have a pool in our townhome complex, but that’s not exactly the same.

    I need to do more with weights. I think it would help a lot. I don’t go to a gym or want to work with a trainer, so I need to find somethnig manageable I can do at home. As is, I sometimes do some bicep curls, shoulder presses, lunges, and triceps with hand weights, and I think even that would be better than nothing if I were consistent. I did some yesterday, will add to my ‘to do’ for tomorrow as well.

    • Melissa

      I just looked up our water temperature and it is currently 21.8C (71F). It feels cold when you hop in but once you get used to it, it’s refreshing. At our old house we had a pool and used to have the solar heating set on 28C, so the ocean is quite a bit colder.

      Handweights at home would certainly be beneficial. Good luck!