
Friday Thoughts #10

We have had so much rain here lately. It poured most days over Easter, which made for a very lazy weekend. We were down with my parents, and some siblings and nephews and nieces were there too. Arriving home I did a big load of washing on Tuesday and hung it out to dry, but we forgot to bring it in. I woke early on Wednesday morning to rain and realised the washing was still on the line. It finally came in last night after it stopped raining long enough for it to dry.

I harvested the first lot of rhubarb from our new garden. We got our original plants from my husband’s mum. She’d been growing it for years at various different houses. This is the third house the rhubarb followed us to; my parents also have some plants propagated from our original. We now have two plants in different parts of the garden, and it’s growing so well, I expect we’ll have more plants next year.

I don’t think I’ve shared this here before, but this is a fantastic newsletter (blog? – I read it in my feedly): The Whippet “A newsletter for the terminally curious”

A gratuitous sunset photo. Taken at training last night.

I looked out my living room window this morning to see dirt strewn all over the paving. I followed the mess, through the pile of dirt covering my plants, to the massive hole Riley dug last night in the garden.

He somehow managed to get in and dig right down behind the tree. The hole was filled with muddy water. He was a bit naughty last night, he wouldn’t come in to go to bed until I bribed him with food. Since it was dark I didn’t notice the dirt, or his muddy paws. He certainly made a mess in the laundry though. I had to vacuum and mop while my porridge was cooking. Grrrr.

Cross-country season starts tomorrow. We have our first race in the afternoon, a 5km at Scotch College. Forecast is 15C with a very high chance of rain, most likely from the late morning. Our annual club dinner is in the evening so that will be fun.

How’s your week been? Any plans for the weekend?