
In The Garden – December 2023

This has been a year-long project where I photograph our garden each month. The garden is still sporting some thigh-high weeds that grew up while we were away but I’ve got a fair bit of it weeded and I gave the Myoporum a massive haircut today. I thought it might be fun to compare with the photos from January.

Today. The Myporum is in the front of the pond. I cut it back from the path and away from some of the other plants. That’s our dog Riley sunning himself.
In January I’d just planted a lot of the plants and the plants around the tree were still waiting to be replaced.
Today: This is pretty much weeded and tidied up now. There are very small beans growing and I picked a strawberry today. I keep forgetting to go out and check for them.
In January we hadn’t replanted this area with natives either, although our veggie beds (the copper rings) were in. The landscapers had planted a much more structured, safe garden and, apart from wanting natives, I also wanted a slightly wild style.
And my close-up for this month is our first two tomatoes.

The growth in the garden over the year has been amazing. I’m looking forward to the plants growing enough to fill in the gaps in the next year.

The biggest surprise in the garden has been the everlasting daisy I planted in February. It has been flowering constantly since then and has expanded from the small 20 cm diameter plant to stretch over a metre. I gave it a haircut in September but it needs another one.

The everlasting daisy is taking over.

Do you have a plant that rewards you all year without you having to lift a finger?